The Boy Who Lived

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Just in case you don't have an encyclopedia knowledge of the books, the time skip allowed for Snape's Worst Memory to happen, but not before Career Advice starts, so now Harry's at his lowest opinion of the Marauders but hasn't talked to Ginny yet.

It was a long week. Sirius kept expecting Remus to try talking him out of it, or Tonks to come back over any second and decide change of plans and she was out.

Moony was gone the majority of the time though, getting his affairs in order with those werewolves as usual but promising he'd be back, and when he arrived only moments after Tonks on the day of, Padfoot was once again in the hallway and ready. He finally left his tomb with a true purpose, the sun shining on his black fur a needed warmth.

He'd never apparated as a dog before and hoped to never have to get used to the feeling of doing so. As promised by their pink haired guide, the schools gates were wide open as visitors came and went, even for this short holiday, and Umbridge was so hectically busy only the caretaker and some blonde kid with a silver I badge pinned to his chest stood waiting to meet them rather than the toad herself.

Both of their eyes narrowed unpleasantly as they spotted their approach, the blonde in particular seemed to recognize Remus and him and backed away towards the castle with mingled horror and disgust. Sirius hesitated for the first time as he wondered if he was recognized, he knew his disguise was outed to Death Eaters, but he hadn't thought any kids would be a problem.

Remus froze as well, his hand straying protectively to hold at Padfoot's fur as if prepared to apparate him away right then as he recognized young Malfoy, but Tonks stepped forward with the plan none the wiser. "I'm on Orders to take these two right to Umbridge."

Filch sniffed and looked down his nose in disgust as his stooped visage looked up at Remus. "As if I'd let this filthy half-breed and his mutt back on these grounds," he said, jowls quivering.

"Then it's a good thing it's not up to you," Tonks spoke with her own disgust and finality as she waved a blank bit of parchment under his nose.

He snatched it away, his tiny eyes roving over nothing as he reluctantly handed it back. "Says nothing of the mongrel, the one on fours," he added nastily.

"I think it's some sort of experiment," Tonks shrugged without concern. "Personally I'm not even sure it's safe to have around kids, but my orders-"

"Yes, yes," he finally spoke with just a hint of glee as he stepped aside.

"I'll go with them sir," Draco said at once, better than having to stay next to this smelly old man all day watching him check useless children off a list, this was a degrading position for someone as the head of the Inquisitorial Squad. "Make sure they ah, don't get lost."

Padfoot shifted uncomfortably and Remus swallowed for the same unease, but Tonks didn't seem concerned as she nodded and took off without looking back.

This had been a terrible idea and Remus really wanted to turn back now to get Sirius out of here, but it was just one teenager, surely they could manage that without causing a scene. What were they doing here anyways, just coming up to tell Snape he'd better keep up with his Occlumency to Harry without Dumbledore around or else? Or else what, they'd never been able to stop Snape being a vindictive arse their entire time in school, they certainly couldn't threaten him with anything meaningful now.

Harry deserved to have them try though, the boy had too many people leave him and this was all they could offer him now.

The little Malfoy in fact proved to be more of a help than a hindrance, as he hitched up a believable smile underneath his sneer and told them, "this way," while leading them down to the dungeons.

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