Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21.

~End of September 2039~

Orlando looks at me for a long moment before tugging my hand to pull me down to his level at the chair and kissing me softly. He has a girlfriend, yet here he is kissing me and I am kissing him back.

My stomach drops.

Sparks fly.

I want him.

His tongue sweeps across my bottom lip, making him groan softly before he pulls back. I need him. "I've wanted to do that since you walked into the club tonight." He says quietly, his hand holding my hip against him.

"We can't go through this again," I breathe, looking down at him in the chair.

He takes a deep breath, "I know." Still, he pulls me onto his lap, straddling his thigh. "We definitely can't do this again." I get a whiff of his cologne, his smell that reminds me of home.

The alcohol makes my body respond to him. I am wet. My panties are drenched and the longer I sit on his thigh, I know that he can feel my arousal soaking through his pants. One kiss and I cave like a schoolgirl. One kiss and it has me slowly rolling my hips across the fabric. "Lan," I moan quietly, gripping his shirt for balance as my toes brush the floor.

"That's it, baby." He growls quietly, tugging the dress further up my hips so he can watch. "Keep moving. I want to see you cum."

I tremble, turned on by the harshness of his voice. He leans down, kissing down my neck as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, his hands holding my waist. His fingers touch, making him groan again, adjusting me slightly on him. "W-we can't," I gasp, the brush of the fabric with each rock of my hips, bringing me closer to the pleasure I am chasing.

Orlando does not answer, keeping his grip on my waist. I gasp softly when he presses a kiss to my collarbone then my jaw. My hips are rocking of their own accord now, feeling him underneath me. It does not count as sex if he is just sitting there, right? Afterall, he is the one with the girlfriend and he initiated this, so it is not my fault.

I am just young, and single, and he kissed me first.

At that, I tilt slightly, caught off balance but his hands on my hips keep me in place. He lifts me slightly so that I now straddle his crotch. We both glance back down to the spot on his knee that is significantly darker than the rest of his pants. I let out an embarrassed groan, lifting my hands to cover my pink cheeks. Orlando's hands reach out quickly, grabbing my wrists, trapping me. "Don't stop," He orders, his eyes dark as he looks up at me. My hands are trapped against his chest, my clit rubbing against the hardness in his pants. He smirks, "Until you finish, unless you need help?"

"Y-you have a girlfriend." It comes out as a moan when he adjusts his hips in the chair, the zipper scraping against me.

"Do you want to stop?" He presses, releasing his grip on my waist to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. I shake my head, tilting forward so that I can hide my face in the crook of his shoulder as I get myself closer to the edge, a sensation building in my stomach. "You look so hot tonight," He says quietly in my ear before pressing a kiss to my head. "I wanted to rip that dress off of you every time you danced tonight. But now you're here grinding down on my cock and I get to watch you finish."

I bite down on his shoulder to keep from crying out, his grip on my wrists tightening. His free hand moves to rest on my butt, squeezing occasionally as my glutes flex to get myself to orgasm. "Lan," I gasp, starting to shake. I can smell the tequila on his breath and he laughs softly. "Fuck!"

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