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RIO SMIRKED as he pulled the blanket off milan and opened the curtains "wake up sweetheart, i gotta go see your friends" she squinted her eyes in annoyance as she spoke, her voice raspy from just waking up "well then why do i have to go?" rio chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners "cause i need a lil more muscle with me" "i can get you a few guys in need of a job, but they charge per hour" rio rolled his eyes "i don't need your guys, i need you, so get up and get your ass in the shower right now"

milan rolled over in bed "rio i swear to—" rio cut her off "you swear to what darlin' ?" he taunted as she hummed "'darling' that's a new one." she muttered. "come on don't make me say please" rio slightly whined as he tugged her from the bed. milan sighed in despair rolling over to the other side of the bed. "ugh okayyy rio. you act like a fuckin child" she rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. the shorts she wore to bed last night had ridden up as well as the tank top she wore had also ridden up so that her lower stomach was visible.

rio cleared his throat at the sight, though he was caught off-guard by the plethora of small white lines that took home on her upper thigh. he stared at them carefully, a solemn look in his eyes. "go get ready mama" milan nodded yawing as she got up going straight to the bathroom, not before grabbing some clothes, underwear and a bra. a couple minutes later milan came out wearing a white dress that was tight around the chest area but flowed down to above her mid thigh.

rio looked up from his place on her bed before whistling lowly in a teasing manner. "never seen you in a dress ma, what's going on today?" milan rolled her eyes walking to her vanity to put on her jewelry "nothing really, i just like this dress and they make my boobs look big" rio leaned back on his palms licking his lips as his eyes trailed over her figure "they sure do" milan side-eyed him scoffing before turning back to in front of the mirror to do her eyeliner and her waterline.

a smile slowly rose up rio's lips as he watched her do her make-up which mainly consisted of just her eyes, some cover-up and her lips. he watched as she gently yet quickly moved a small brush under her eye to add a smudge effect. he watched as she picked up the small mimosa cloud zara perfume and sprayed it around her body a few times, before she added a small spritz to the valley between her titties. his eyes lingered on them for a bit before they moved back to her hands.

he watched as she put her rings on, then her bracelets, then her necklaces, and then lastly her earrings. even if she seemed tough and badass on the outside he knew she was more than that, from the way she acted around her sister he knew she was a kind soul. everything she did was her; messy and chaotic yet elegant at the same time. rio quietly stood up walking over to stand behind her. "god ma, you're making it so hard for me to not kiss you right now" he maneuvered his hands to her hips pulling her against his front.

"rio..." milan said in a warning tone "we gotta go get your money" she continued. rio rolled his eyes turning her around, letting his hands trail up to the side of her throat. he looked into her eyes, tilting her head up slightly, before his eyes dropped to her lips as they parted. "let's go get my cash ma" he said lowly "we gonna ignore the sexual tension?" she asked in slight confusion as rio nodded with a wide smile "yeah, until after i get my cash lil mama" "mkay" milan replied moving to take a step back but was stopped when rio held onto her waist.

he pulled her back into chest letting his hands trail to her back, he gently rubbed up and down her back as he let her head rest on his chest. they stayed like that for a few short minutes before milan started pulling away. "your money." milan deadpanned turning around to fix her hair. "right." rio replied, his voice low and raspy.


MILAN ROLLED her eyes as they pulled up to Beths house. "why did i have to come again?" milan asked as rio turned to look at her "because you, ma, you are the least boring person i've ever met. and i quite like it" milan sighed in annoyance "fine let's go get your money." she opened the car door immediately walking round to the front door. she knocked on the door before looking into the window to see the lights off. "great one smarty-pants, they're not home. can we just go?" rio rested his palm on the small of her back before letting out a quiet "relax ma, a little patience please"

"then do tell me genius, how are we going to get in?" she rolled her eyes again. rio smirked at her "how you think i been getting into yours ma?" "don't know. thought you sneakily made a key or some shit. wouldn't put it past you" milan shrugged as rio gave her look, before rolling his eyes. milan leaned against the side of the wall, sighing in exhaustion from this whole moment thing. she turned back as she heard the lock click, seeing rio give her a 'you were saying' look.

she rolled her eyes pushing past him to open the door before turning back to him as she walked backwards "what now? in case you haven't noticed or you decided to not listen to me, they're not home" she dragged out the 'o' in home as he ignored her looking around. she rolled her eyes once again moving forward, proceeding to open cabinets before she found the one with all the liquor. she grabbed a bottle of red wine, grabbing a wine glass and pouring it to fill the cup.

"you know you're only meant to fill the cup about halfway right?" rio teased. "shut up rio." she placed the glass on the kitchen counter, putting the bottle right next yo it, she hoisted herself onto the counter, picking up the glass. "y'know i'm taking a huge risk right now, drinking red wine, wearing a white dress, biggest risk i could take in my lifetime. and i'm taking this risk because of you." "and how exactly is this risk my fault?" milan took a sip from her wine rolling her eyes "because you wouldn't fuckin make out with me at my apartment!"




it's been 2 months since
i last updated🤨 how tf
anyways hope y'all have a good
day and absolutely ADORE this
chapter bc goddamn k bye

11-11-21: if y'all don't start fkin
commenting on taking this whole
book down😡 and yes that is a threat🤨

date: Wed 10 Nov 2021
date: Wed 10 Nov 2021
wc: 1229

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