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MILAN JUMPED awake, startled as the door opened. she had passed out after her sixth full glass, purely out of boredom (and not because the bottle was empty) . "finally! ion know how slow y'all driving but i'm telling you now, it was definitely under the speed limit" she rolled her eyes before rolling off the couch and grabbing the glass, then the empty wine bottle and moving to the kitchen to put the cup in the sink. then she got a shorter glass and opened the same liquor cabinet to pull out a bottle of scotch. she turned it around a bit before shrugging and just pouring into the cup.

"right! anyways, my. money." rio demanded leaning back against one of the kitchen counters as milan downed the glass of scotch. she hoisted herself back up on the counter next to rio, who instinctively put his arm round her lower back, his palm gently resting on her hip. milan spared his arm a short glance before her eyes darted to his in surprise. annie eyed them both in confusion. beth stared in distaste and annoyance.

how could milan go from helping them with the whole thing to cozying up with the enemy. said enemy who has a gun that he'd used to threaten them quite a number of times. "ladies... let's talk business shall we? once again i ask, my money?" milan tuned them out not wanting to listen to the boring stuff as she kicked her feet back and forth, the back of her converse hitting the cupboard in a pattern.


"MILAN VAMOS" rio called out to the younger girl "mm?" she looked up from her feet as she let go of the hem of her dress. "let's go" he bobbed his head towards the front door. she glanced shortly at the other women, who were staring at her, before nodded and hopping off the counter. "uh i think... i think my ass prints are on your counter so uh you might wanna wipe that down before you have smexy time with... what's his name — mike? uhm oh! oh! uh micah!"

beth shook her head in disappointment "dean..." milan winced cursing under her breath as she approached rio who placed his palm on the small of her back. he quietly led her out back to his jeep opening the passenger door for her "why you tryna act like a gentleman?" rio furrowed his eyebrows with a smirk on his face "whatchu mean ma? ive always been a gentleman" "mm" milan responded in faux belief.

he moved round to the drivers side, getting in and turning the engine on, then pulling out of the driveway his hand coming down to rest on her bare thigh. milan eyed his hand for a short moment before opening her phone to scroll through instagram, stopping to like the post of a brunette with multiple tattoos. "whewwww, goddamn this
man is foineee" she drew out clicking on his story. rio stared her down in annoyance "don't fucking play with me milan, i'll take you raw in the backseat right now!"

milan smiled teasingly at him as she stuck her tongue out. "nah i'm playin witchu, but he's actually so hot, but you're actually hotter" "better fuckin be" rio rolled his eyes pinching her thigh, his hand then moved down to under her dress to pinch her clothed clit as her thighs snapped closed against his hand. "rio! oh my fucking god" the man chuckled lowly as he brought his hand out from between her thighs. "mm what? cant take a little teasing?"

"ha ha." milan narrowed her eyes at him turning to face the window "my boy peter sampson is so much finer than you" she rolled her eyes at him. "scuse me?" rio raised an eyebrow as his hands moved back to in between her thighs as she hunched over "yo! nothing! i didn't say nothin." "'s what i thought" milan leaned her head against the window as her eyes closed shortly as they sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

after they had arrived back at her apartment, milan led him into the elevator and then to her apartment. as they stood by the door she stopped him turning around and placing her hands on his chest, as his rested on her hips. "are we gonna make out now? because if not you can walk back out" "well you'll see once we get to your bedroom babe" he placed his forehead on hers as he looked into her eyes. "okay, i'm that case you can come in" she smiled moving backwards and letting him in.

rio smiled cheekily grabbing milan by the waist and throwing her over his shoulders. "whoa!" milan yelped gripping onto rios waist. "goddamn babe, that ass!" he drawled out landing a hard smack on her ass. "yo. that shit hurts rio" milan protested as rio walked them into her room and dropped her on the bed. he put his palm beside her head to hold himself up on top of her. he leaned down slowly as his nose brushed hers. her eyes fluttered shut as she waited for him to press his lips against hers.

he placed short kisses on her cheek, her nose, her forehead, and the corner of her lips before he finally connected them. their lips connected like two pieces of a puzzle. rios slightly chapped lips were rough against hers but her gloss slowly spread onto his lips. but god, did both of them felt those fuckin sparks they always talked about in the movies. slowly, rio pulled away, a soft blush on both their faces as he quietly whispered.

"hi baby"




LMFAO— if y'all couldn't
alr tell, this is NOT a slow
burn LOL. like i'm not even
kidding i lowk hate slow burns
like get to the point alr 🙄

ALSO if you couldn't tell,
this follows the plot line abt
0.24% and i honestly don't care
bc this book is too good.

ALSO ALSO i'm soooo
tired like i've got no idea
what i wrote bc at some
point i think it stopped
making sense but i'll check it
tmrw maybe lol.

ALSO ALSO ALSO— ilysm lol
go eat k bye.

24-12-21 : plustertest— HUHHHH

ALSO the last two paragraphs were
absolute shit like what— anyways🙄🙄

date : fri 24 dec 21
date : fri 24 dec 21
wc : 1096

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