Diwali (KAREN x JIM) //fluff//lemon//

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so this is also in my Jim Halpert imagine book cause it's both so... :)

Inspired by the office ladies podcast.

Karen's pov:
"3 2 1 shot!" Andy yells. Jim's face scrunches up as the alcohol runs down his throat. I pour it in the trash, wincing at the sound hoping they don't hear. I think he was distracted. He turns to me, pain in his squinted eyes, and I pretend to feel the same.

Throughout the night I see him get more and more drunk as we fill out the order form consolidations until he eventually passes out on his desk. Phone buzzing, computer glitching out because of his head on the keyboard, but still dorky as hell. I realize it's time to go and gather my stuff. He slowly peels himself off his desk and grabs his bike. He's moving so slow. I'm already in my car, ready to pull out of the parking lot when Jim stumbles on his bike and unluckily falls onto a small crack between the soft bushes. I laugh
"Hey dummy get in the car" I insult through chuckles
"I'm a drunk driver," he says, struggling to get to my car
"Wow, You can hold your liquor Filippelli," he says, leaning up against my car door.
"Yeah, you can't," I say putting his bike on one of the racks.
"And I'm just going to lay down in the back if that's all right"
"Yup! Just don't... puke on anything"
I get in the car and buckle my seatbelt, looking back at him. I put the car in drive and am about to leave when Jim catches me off guard
"Karen wait," he says and I look back.
"What?" I ask as he sits up and looks me in the eye. He takes his hand and traces my bottom lip with his thumb, his heavy breathing sending chills down my spine and but the act is making me confused. He leans closer and puts his other hand on the back of my neck.
"Jim you're drunk"
"Please," he says and I scoff, turning my head away. He redirects me and pulls me to his lips. I squeal as I taste the intoxicating liquid lingering in his mouth. But I somehow close my eyes and kiss back, partaking in a sloppy make-out with my drunk coworker in the parking lot. He moves one of his hands to my thigh, rubbing in circles. I can tell where this was going. It trails up and I inhale sharply. He rubs my region through my pants, I whimper and he pulls away.
      "That was adorable" he whispers and I blush. He pulls me in again and softly kisses me. He reaches over and leans my seat back all the way. I sit up.
      "Jim" I laugh. It's so swift as he comes to the front and gets on top of me. He pushes my shoulder down. "we can't possibly do thi-" I'm shut up with another kiss. I try so hard to tell myself to resist because it's wrong. But, his touch is so persuasive. He gives me more soft kisses. He unties my coat and starts to feel my breast. I pull his hair a bit while he kisses my neck. He starts to undo his belt and I reach my hand in his pants and feel him in my palm. He's warm and quite big may I add. I widen my eyes and separate. What the fuck am I doing?
      "I can't have sex with you like this. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let it go this far" I take my hands out my his pants.
      "Okay," he whispers "but I'll get you sooner or later" he rubs my cheek and kisses my bottom lip.
     "I know Halpert, Sober." I snicker and his drunk ass ruins the mood. It's Lowkey cute though
      "Also, I have blue balls. Can I jerk off in the back seat?" "Absolutely not." He laughs it off and rolls back there.
  "tell me where to turn," I say and he collapses again. I get the seat back up and rebutton the part of my shirt he undid.

The next morning

"Hey, Karen." The hungover coworker says to me and he sits down at his desk "I don't remember anything from last night, thanks for getting me home"
"Oh yeah, me neither and it's no problem" I agree and give a knowing look to the camera for a split second before looking back at the pile of paperwork on my desk. I furrow my eyebrows. I look up.
      "Wait-" he looks back at me from his desk and tilts his head. "If you don't remember anything then how do you know I got you home?" He winks at me and I blush and widen my eyes.

Karen Fillipelli smuts, fluffs, and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now