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Jane arrived at the girls' dormitory around 2am. She unlocked the door carefully afraid to waking up her roommate but only to find her roommate still sitting on her study chair.

"Jisoo, you still up?" Jane asked revealing herself at the door. Her straight sleek hair was wear down to her shoulder length and she was wearing a strapless dress exposing a little bit of her cleavage.

Jisoo who is deep into her study turned her head into the voice's direction. She was already in her blue striped pyjamas with her hair tied into a loose bun.

"'re early." Jisoo replied casually to her roommate who just got back from the night club.

Jane stretched her body and put away her high heels before collapsing on her bed.

"Well there's nothing much to do there anyway. The crowd was boring." Jane answered lazily.

"Besides, it's no fun when you're not there." She added while sitting back down.

Jisoo chuckled hearing her answer.

"I've only been to club with you like a few times though." Jisoo replied while flipping on her notes.

"But it was fun wasn't it? You should come again." Jane tried to convince her roommate to go clubbing with her again.

"Mino was looking for you just now." Jane said while removing her makeup.

Jisoo rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.

"Cant he keep his nosy nose to his own?"Jisoo said feeling annoyed when she remembered how Mino was cock blocking every guy that was into her while they were in the club last time.

"He literally scared away all the guys from me."

Jane laughed feeling amused at the memory.

"It's cute that he is looking out for you." Jane stated.

"It's not cute, it's annoying as hell." Jisoo replied while arranging her notes one last time before finishing her revision.

"My brother is coming back next week so he can finally stop pretending to be my annoying guardian angel." Jisoo added and switched off her notebook.

Jane just finished wiping off her makeup and tried to rid herself from the body hugging strapless dress she wore.

"Ouh, your brother is back here for good? That's great! " Jane replied feeling glad that her roommate's brother is coming back despite never meeting him as she knew how Jisoo misses her only family member left.

Jisoo's brother was studying abroad for few years. He is finally coming back home after finishing his study there.

"I hope you can spend quality time with your brother." She added.

Jisoo smiled at her kind words. She really misses her brother a lot.

"He probably will start working soon. We'll be throwing a small welcoming home party at our family's home. You should come too Jane. We'll just invite some close friends." Jisoo said happily.

"Your family's home? You mean the beach house?" Jane asked feeling curious. She saw the polaroid pictures of Jisoo at the beach that she hung near her study table.

"yes, the beach house." Jisoo's eyes lit up remembering the coziness of her family's home.

"That sounds fun. I've never been to your place." Jane replied.

"It's a yes then." Jisoo came to her own conclusion.

Jane shrugged. She couldn't see why it will be a bad idea.

A weekend getaway would be fun rather than staying alone at her parents' house and so she agreed.

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