The beach & the surfer guy

18 1 11

Jane's pov

It's finally the weekend. I had 4 classes in a row yesterday plus a group meeting and that really drained my energy. I'm gonna need some recharge session during my pilates class next time. I could feel the slight discomforts from my back already and I be needing some of that stretches very soon.

Jisoo sends me the location for her beach house. I guess I'm really spending my weekend at her place. I packed some shorts, bikini, tank tops and a sundress. Jisoo said we're going to spend a lot of time by the beach.

I turned on the waze apps and started driving.

It took me almost 3 hours to reach what with my lacking skills to understand the map. Well at least I didn't get lost.

I saw the similar beach house in Jisoo's polaroid from afar. I could almost smell the beach and the sands. I could see why she's so in love with her hometown.

I parked my car near the beach house and send a text to Jisoo.

I could hear nothing but the sound of waves crashing and birds chirping; the smell of sands hitting my nostrils. This is somehow better than the extravagant island resort that my family took me to during some of the holidays. I put on my sunglasses and walked along the beach.

I have some few minutes of silence to myself before I heard Jisoo.

"You came...You came!!"

"Come.. come upstairs.." She said while pulling my hand.

"How was your ride? Did your driver send you here?"

"Wow that's a nice car!" She said when I told her I drive here myself.

"Well, my brother baked some pasta when he was home just now, lets fill our tummies first." 

The smell of homecooked meals filled my nostrils when I entered her house.

She showed me around the house. There's a lot of hanging family pictures, framed pictures from when they were young, some paintings too. There's even a small reading area with a tall bookshelf filled with books.

"Why do you have chocolate smudges on your cheeks?" I asked.

"And you smell like cookies too."

"Ohh well, I uhh.. you know just baking. It's a uhhh for my brother. His welcoming home party tonight right, you remember I told you..."

She stuttered a bit but I ignored her unusualness.

"Lets get some lunch first. I know you're hungry."

She's right, I'm starving actually.

We stuffed ourselves with some pasta, chicken wings and a bowl of salads. We drank some wines that I brought while sitting on the lazy couch.

"I cant believe I drank wine on daylight like this." Jisoo said while swirling her glass.

"Come on, wine is for alllll timeeee.." I replied and that made her laughed.

I am probably the bad influence on her. Even her first beer tasting was with me, first night club experience, and now she's no more the innocent Jisoo that I first met during our first year.

I had a feeling her brother will not be liking me too much for tainting her sister like this.

"Auww this is so cute.." I took the framed picture of a little kid smiling with one tooth missing posing eagerly near a surfboard.

"Is this you?" I asked.

Jisoo shook her head.

"That's my brother." She giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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