Capter 3

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Roman opened the black and purple door and looked around the room. "So this is where the black and purple theme came from? "

He looked around and hummed softly as he smiled gently. "That's actually kinda cool! They look like a dark side.... Gotta look out for that, but I like the color scheme. "

Logan walked behind Roman and looked at him. "What are you doing to that door? " He asked gently and looked Roman over.

Roman jumped and looked at Logan, closing the door behind him. "O-Oh, uhm... I'm not doing anything, why do you ask? "

"Well, you just opened a door that wasn't here last night. You're clearly up go something" Logan said, mater-of-factly.

Roman rolled his eyes playfully. "Can't I be excited to meet the new side? Who knows, maybe their cute! " He said then let out an excited laugh.

Logan sighed and looked Roman over. "No, don't even start this. For all we know they could hate you, just... When they get here make them feel welcome. " He said then turned and left, leaving Roman alone.

Roman laughed again and smiled to himself. "We'll see about that Logan. "

As the day passed a whole bunch of other things for the new side appeared. Like a plate and silverwear, an umbrella, a keychain, some more movies and books were added to the collection that already existed.

Everyone had gotten used to the items that started randomly appearing just about every where, Remus was the last one to know as no one knew where he was for the last two days.

~~~~Small Time Skip~~~~

It had been three days since the room appeared and hardly anything had appeared that day, everyone went to sleep and slept peacefully. However at three am a loud gong was hurt thought the mindscape. Everyone but Logan and Remus went to see if they could meet the new side.

The new side looked around the room he suddenly appeared in he took it in before he his behind a mirror hearing three sets of footprints. He looked around the mirror hearing a knock and slowly went and cracked the door open. "H-Hello? " His voice ring out as it was dead silent.

Patton lit up when he saw the door open and smiled happily at the new side. "Hello! My names Patton! I'm Morality! It's nice to meet you! " He said, with way to much energy to have been woken at three am.

Next was Roman, he had a face mask on so he looked a little weird, but he was still confident. "Greetings, I am Prince... Roman. " He said, getting interrupted by a yawn. "I am one half of creativity"

Janus hissed slightly and flicked his tongue as he looked at the new side. He slightly bowed as he introduced himself. "You may °not° refer to me as Decite. I am self preservation. °Do° let my speech patterns confuse you"

The new side looked them all over and gulped slightly. "U-Uh... You can call me anxiety. " He said quietly before he looked down.

Roman looked at Patton slightly confused. "Anxiety? What's that? "

"Anxiety is.... " Patton started before he cut himself off and looked deep in thought. "That's a question for Logie" he said and gently laughed.

Anxiety watched the others and sighed, he knew what he was supposed to do here but he also knew that he wouldn't know his name for at least twenty three hours, so he had to wait. He waited for the others to be distracted before he quietly closed the door and locked it. Anxiety looked his room over and sat on the bed with a stretch.

Roman looked around. "Hm... He must've wanted to go to bed. Well, goodnight... Again. " He said with a soft laugh and left to his room as he saw the others disperse.

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