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The previous inhabitants of the Aguado home were no strangers to Blaze. Arthur's grandmother had been one of the few people to show him kindness, both as a homeless queer kid and an inhuman. The night of Arthur's grandfather's passing, Blaze had dropped by, as if by a hunch.

That night, Mrs. Aguado offered him a room in her house. She was old and lonely and he was such a nice boy... With a heavy heart, Blaze had to decline, as he could not possibly put her in such danger. When prompted to elucidate, he showed her his ability... Terrified, she chased him out of the house.

Blaze would leave town hours later. The ambulance came and took her lifeless body the next day, when he was long gone. Died from a heart attack after his departure.

Still, after a particularly close call at being caught, Blaze was craving the comfort. He was just sixteen, and had had a family most of his life. Knowing he could not possibly show up at the house as was, Blaze repeated the trick he did that night. Making use of his gift, he turned himself into the woman's grandson, whom he had seen in plenty of pictures.

The same grandson who wearily made his way down the stairs in his pajamas, to check who was at the door at such an hour of the night. Blaze was concerned when a loud noise came from inside. He knocked again, more insistently.

–Mrs- G-grandma?—he called.—A-are you-u okay? I kn-know it's late, but I-I need to talk t-to y-y-you.

That's when both Abigail and Austin appeared on the stairs. The woman made her way down, picking her pale husband up off the floor.

–What?—she demanded in a furtive whisper.—What is it?

Raising his hand to point at the door, the man failed his attempt at speech.

–Is it them?—Austin asked.

Arthur shook his head.

–What is it, then?—Abigail pressed.

Arthur finally managed to unclog his airways enough to respond, his voice weakened by his racing heartbeat.


Arthur stared at an intimidated version of himself, tied to a chair in his living room, lit only by moonlight. Austin stood next to him, arms crossed and chest puffed, in a frankly competent attempt at intimidation.

–Who the fuck are you?—Abigail asked the person with the face of her husband.

Blaze opened his mouth to reply, but threw up instead. When he turned back to look at Abigail, his face was back to its original form. It took the other three a few moments to look from the vomit back to his face. Austin stumbled forward, his mask of threat melting to give place to awe.

–You- You're an inhuman!

Blaze nodded.

–What are you doing here?—Arthur asked in a soft tone, his heart finally calming.

At the sight of the vomit covered frowning boy, the man's gaze turned to his wife.

–Untie him, darling—he asked.

–Are you crazy?—Austin intervened.—You don't know him, he might be with them!

–He's one of us—Arthur countered.—Plus, es un niño, Abi.

The woman scanned her husband's face with uncertainty.

–Are you sure?

Arthur's gaze didn't waver. As Abigail moved forward to comply, Austin threw his hands up in the air.

–You have got to be fucking kidding me!—he said.

Arthur himself actually crossed his arms, the sharpness in his eyes making Austin recoil.

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