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Upon hearing of Pamela and Carlisle's endeavour, Arthur had to laugh.

–So there were two whole inhumans right under our noses this whole time? That's rich...—he paused to regain his breath, before a question popped up in his mind.—What are you able to do, anyways?


–Carlisle—Austin corrected.

–Manipulates memories—Pamela said.— I am a mind reader.

Arthur nodded thoughtfully.

–So, what was the point of all this?—he finally asked.—Were you just making sure we wouldn't give all of us away?

At that point, Carlisle's attention perked up as well. This was the part not even they knew.

–That's just the thing,—Pamela said—I'm leaving next week. I have a very good opportunity in a place I won't need to hide. I can't tell you where, for safety reasons, but it will be wonderful.

Carlisle's heart sank.

–And where do we come in?—Arthur pressed, leaning forward curiously.

Pamela sighed, as if building up courage.

–I would have rather ask this with your wife present, but alas, you can't have everything... I need you to keep Carly. Like, as soon as possible.

Surprise took away any response the healer could possibly have. The memory manipulator seemed to scowl, sinking into their chair.

–So this is why you had me spying on them?—Calisle questioned indignantly, standing up to glare at Pamela.—You wanted to abandon me at their doorstep? Are you insane?

–Why aren't you taking her with you anyways?—Austin asked, pressing a hand to Carlisle's shoulder, making them sit back down.

–I can't afford to. She's a liability. Too rash and disobedient. She might falter, or run off to a party or have one of her teen angst outbursts. I just can't risk it.

At the mention of partying, Blaze and Austin eyed the memory manipulator. They watched with concern as their fists tightened, and then they suppressed whatever they were feeling. The shifter actually made as if to touch them, but Austin stopped him.

–She is your daughter—Arthur stated, as if pleading.—If you're caught, wouldn't you rather it be together? Believe me, you don't want the pain of losing a child and staying to tell the tale.

–There will be no such situation—Pamela dismissed.—I know you will take good care of her. I'll be sending money to help cover expenses.

–I've told you I can take care of myself—Carlisle said through gritted teeth.

–And I've told you I'm not risking you getting caught and giving me away—the woman retorted, in a similar tone.

Sensing conflict, Arthur rushed to pacify.

–Hey, hey, don't worry! We'll take care of Carlisle-

–It's Car-—the memory manipulator went to correct, and then stopped.—No, wait, that's right...

Arthur gave them a satisfied smile, along with a wink.

–We'll take care of her until you're back. No worries.—the man agreed.—Do you have an estimate for how long you'll be?

–That's just the thing,—Pamela winced—if all goes well, I'm not coming back.

The charmer and the shape shifter watched Arthur's eyes darken in a previously unseen way.

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