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Within the next few days, the Aguados reached full schooling and employment. Despite Arthur's entirely fake resume, he got the position at the school. Mainly thanks to Maya's gossip fuelled efforts, but a win is a win, he figured.

When Abigail returned home the day of her interview, she found the other three gathered at the entrance. When given a questioning look by the woman, Arthur promptly stepped forward.

–So... How did it go?

–I was hired on the spot.

From her tone and half shrug alone, one might have thought the subject was the weather. Despite her nonchalance, Arthur was ecstatic.

–You know what this calls for?—he asked.—Celebration!

–I don't know, dear...—Abigail grimaced.—You start work on Monday, but I'm starting tomorrow and I need to be there at five, before the mall opens.

—Five in the morning?–Austin arched his eyebrows.

The woman nodded, entirely as displeased at the idea.

–So, no celebrations—she decreed.

–What about dinner?—Austin suggested.—We can order something fun. What do you guys want?

–Soup!—Abigail suggested right away, instantly forgetting her hesitation.

–A burger—Austin said simultaneously.

The two stopped to stare at one another, while Arthur turned to Blaze. The shape shifter was already looking at them.

–What about you, Blaze? What do you want?

The boy shook his head.

–You don't want anything?—asked Abigail, frowning.—Are you sure?

–Of course he's not sure!—Austin chimed in, rolling his eyes.—He's been living off the streets for god knows how long. I'm sure he wants something, he's just being dumb.

–Shy!—Arthur corrected sternly.—He is shy, not dumb, Austin.

The charmer rolled his eyes once more.

–Whatever. Tell him what you want, Benjamin Deeds. It'll be better than soup, for sure.

The puzzled stares thrown his way only seemed to exasperate him more.

–Benjamin Deeds. The metamorph from new mutants? He has the ability to-—he was interrupted by Arthur and Abigail bursting out in laughter.—What? I like superheroes, okay? Fuck off!

When he looked at Blaze, even he looked amused. Austin had to smile as well.

Before anyone could scold Austin about his colorful language, Blaze finally decided that this piece of information was okay to give out. Just this once. An exception. But he had to say it nonchalantly, as impersonally as possible. In a way that would not betray how much he felt about the subject, and-

–I-I m-m-miss m-my m-mom's f-f-food.

Before he could think it through, the words were out of his mouth and into the open. He had failed the assignment. All that was left for him to do now was await ridicule.

Upon processing the boy's sentence, Arthur turned to Abigail for support. The woman looked just as helpless

–I doubt we'll be able to make your mom's food, darling—Abigail lamented, in a tone Arthur hadn't heard in a while.—We can try, but I'm sure she has her own little ways to cook and-

–N-no, b-b-but t-there's this restaurant a-and- I- N-n-neverm-mind.

–No, no, go on—Arthur prompted, a smile spreading across his face.

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