I. ❀ School Games ❀

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My Girl

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TW: mention of eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and death.

        There I was, walking into my last class of the day. After school me and the guys planned to play baseball on the school field with some other kids.

When I walked into the classroom I already heard snickers from Mary and her little group of wannabes. God they made my blood boil.

        "Hey loser where'd you get your outfit from?" Linda asked "Probably her brothers closet!" Mary laughed I looked down at my outfit I was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a white t-shirt, and an open button down blouse on top, with my back co...

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        "Hey loser where'd you get your outfit from?" Linda asked "Probably her brothers closet!" Mary laughed I looked down at my outfit I was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a white t-shirt, and an open button down blouse on top, with my back converse. I usually wore this type of outfit during summer because it was good for playing ball, which I was going to do after school today.

    "My god why dont you just leave me alone Mary?" I said blankly sitting down towards the back of the classroom. She was about to respond when Mr. Kiner walked into the room taking out what I'm assuming were his lesson plans for the day. Thankfully Mr.Kiner just made us read a chapter from the book we were studying "Romeo and Juliet." I never quiet understood why teachers gave tests two weeks before school let out.

        Benny nor Bertram were in my last period class. You see, Benny, Bertram, and I were all in the same grade.(8th) Making us the older ones of our group. The rest of the boys, accept for Timmy and Tommy were in 7th grade; The twins were in 6th. Luckily our school was 6th-8th grade. Next year we will unfortunately be split up. Benny, Bertram and I heading into the high school.

        High school in our town was very intimidating. It was a massive building, and all the kids were so... scary? I mean everyone was swooning over Wendy Peffercorn, aka 'miss perfect.' God I was so jealous of her. My older brother, Michael was obsessed with her, considering she was his girlfriend. Yup you heard me. The day I told Squints Michael asked Wendy out and she accepted, he was practically ready to murder me.

Anyways let me give you a little bit of my background!

        My mother, Nancy, was a stay at home mom ever since she married Thomas. Yes Thomas is the Sheriff and is my step-father. Michael and I's biological father died a couple days after my 8th birthday. Although my father nearly never drank he got in a car crash under the influence. Thomas wasn't really a fan of me nor my brother. And it was a mutual feeling. Michael and I weren't the biggest fans of him, we were mainly just happy our mother was finally happy. It's not like he abused us or anything, he was just really rude to us. Making me feel like an outcast because I played baseball, and had anxiety, making my brother feel like a loser because he had depression after our father died, and a lot more horrible things were said to the two of us.

        I had and still have a slight eating disorder ever since both Thomas and Mary had said things about my body. It's not like I was overweight or anything, because I actually am pretty underweight, and short for my age. Benny was there for me through everything. And for that he will forever be in my debt.

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        I scribbled in my notebook while my foot was repeatedly tapping the ground, then I looked up at the clock. Five minutes left, finally! When the bell rang I stuffed my books in my bag and dashed out the classroom door. Bertram and Benny were both waiting for me at my locker.

        "Hello boys" I said putting my locker combination in. "Hey" they both said in unison. "So are we meeting up with the others outside?" Bertram asked. "Yeah, right outside on the field." "Oh shit" I mumbled slapping my forehead as I walked in between the two slightly taller boys. They raised their eyebrows at me. "I have to leave the game a little early guys." "Why?" "Michael wants to take me to get a new bat and glove since I've been saving up." I said slightly excitedly "oh that's right didn't you break your bat when you were beating Ham with it?" Bertram asked laughing. "He deserved it!" I said in my own defense as they started laughing at me.

        When we got outside the gang stood closer to the fence while everyone who was playing warmed up. Apparently the other kids only wanted Benny to play, which I'm not going to lie kind of stung.

        Towards the end of the game Benny was at bat.
        The rest of the crew and I were sitting down on the grass. Timmy and Tommy were both resting their heads on each of my shoulders.

        The Timmons and my family were very close. Our mothers were friends since they were kids, making it obvious that Michael and I would be close with the twins. I was practically like their older sister.

I felt bad for the guys and myself. We were all under the impression we would all be playing.

    When Benny swung his bat he ran in jet speed. Hence his nickname "the jet." As he ran the small crowd that built up, began cheering. At one point the just kept tossing the ball back and forth in between two bases trying to get Benny out.

        All of a sudden Ham stood up and screamed "PICKLE! Go on! Go!" And we all immediately stood up and ran towards the bases. Benny ended up getting past the base before they could get him out, winning the game. We all walked over to hi and gave hi high-fives in honor of him winning.

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Most of us walked home together since we lived in a relatively close proximity. Soon it was only, Benny, Ham, and I left.
"Well, listen, come over at 9:00." Benny said to Ham. "All right. See you later" "Bye Ham!" I waved as he crossed the street.

        "Hey Rodriguez look." I said nudging him a bit too look across the street from our houses. Benny and I were neighbors, and the house across the street had been empty for quite some time now. When we came to a stop there was a bright orange U-Haul truck outside the bubblegum pink house, and next to it was a blonde boy who looked about a year younger than the two of us. He waved at us happily, as I waved back smiling, Benny just nodded his head acknowledging the kid. I elbowed his gut, hard. The kid looked slightly confused as he stared at Benny and I, but I noticed he seen Benny's glove. "That's so rude Benny! I'm telling your mother!" I said walking a bit further towards my front step. "Yeah-yeah, Ill see you tomorrow Kenna." "Bye Benny." I smiled walking into my house.

"And where have you been Mickey?' Michael asked as I walked into the kitchen. Everyone always called Kenna, except from my family. Though I never let anyone know that's what they called me because I found it quite embarrassing.

"Shit sorry Mich!" I said. I knew my brother wouldn't snitch on me for swearing. "Well cmon, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" He said grabbing his keys and walking outside towards his car.

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Working on the next chapter now my loves <3

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