it ain't formal bitch

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annie's pov
after luka told me that i felt sick all day, my brother doesn't need that kind of responsibility right now. marco has been trying to kill him for the last year and now he's gonna have a baby to worry about. if anything marco will go and hurt that baby if it's really his, but i don't really trust lilia saying it's his. she has like 4 different sneaky links and never uses a condom. that's kinda on her. i got a text from case saying he was outside, case has been one of my best friends for years i grew up with him. case, zaiden, jacob and ashton we're outside waiting for me in case's car. i walk outside and see them smile at me

case: hey babe get in the car we're going to a party

annie: i ain't dressed for no party

case: u look hot just get in

annie: i'm going to change first

zaiden: it ain't formal bitch

annie: awe it's my favourite street rat

zaiden flipped her off, annie ran back inside and quickly got changed into low cut silk black tank top and some blue ripped jeans paired with some docs and light make up. she went back outside to meet the boys and got into the car

jacob: damn didn't know we was looking sexy and shit

ashton: making us look underdressed

case: i'd fuck you

zaiden: case we know, you'll fuck anything that walks

case: shut up before i fuck you

annie: fruity

case winked at her before pulling out her driveway

annie: why didn't you invite my brothers

zaiden: we did, they'll be there after

annie: why after?

zaiden: incase anything goes wrong

annie: what would go wrong?

zaiden: don't worry about it

case pulled into johnny orlando's summer house JOHNNY ORLANDO'S SUMMER HOUSE??? IS HE TRYING TO GET US ALL KILLED

annie: what the fuck are we doing here

jacob: i knew it i knew she was finna freak out

case: ann's just calm down we're here for a party

zaiden: he ain't gonna do nothing to you

annie: why did i come with y'all

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