arranged marriage

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zaiden revealed one big secret to annie over the phone, spilling his guts to annie after his father told him specifically not to tell her

zaiden: dale, and his father are planning something bigger than what you think annie

annie: what do you mean?

zaiden: don't freak out annie when i tell you this because i wasn't even supposed to know

annie: fine just tell me

zaiden: they want an arranged marriage.

annie: a massara and an orlando marriage?

zaiden: yes..

annie: which one of us

zaiden: you and johnny

annie: what! my father would never agree to that!

zaiden: but he did

annie: why would he.. he's hated the orlando's since he was born

zaiden: maybe they want to end the feuding

annie and zaiden spoke on the phone for a about an hour before he had to go, after he hung up she didn't know what to do. she was walking around in circles trying to wrap her head around the fact of her father wanting her to marry an orlando. johnny orlando. annie may have killed a lot of people, but she wasn't like him he was a cold, emotionless, soulless killer. there's no way he'd marry annie if it wasn't for his family making him too, johnny wouldn't marry anyone. he's such a whore that he'd cheat after a day of being married, he doesn't care about anything in this world but survival, sex, money and kenzie ziegler. and annie knew that.

annie's pov
the next day i woke up and felt kind of defeated for some reason, like there was no point to even get out of bed but i had to. my grandfather wanted to speak to me i'm guessing over the forceful marriage. i love my grandfather more than anything but this is just something i will not do to please him. this isn't right. i can't love an orlando. i make myself stop thinking about this whole issue and get out of bed. i put on a black silk v top and black ripped jeans and paired that with some doc martens, i wore my gold necklace that had my name on it that my father gifted me. i put on my rings and my bracelet that was my brother caleb's, since he passed i've been wearing his bracelet everyday so it feels like he's with me all the time. i quickly do my hair i leave it how it normally is, wavy, and i do light makeup before leaving my room and meeting my grandfather in his "office" that he has at my fathers house. i know it's a bit weird that i'm 22 and living with my father but in all honesty he makes me and my brother and everyone else in our gang stay here. he has a huge mansion that i bought of course, since after a bunch of our men died he wanted all of us to live together but my grandfather clearly wanted to live on his own so he did. i don't even have to drive over to case's house he's just down the hall i kinda love it and it's like we're one huge family. but since i'm being forced to marry johnny i'm going to be forced to buy a house with him, which i'm not excited about

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