not here

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annie, zaiden, jacob, ashton and case all step out of the car and walked up to the door past all the drunk people trying to walk straight. annie was so clueless why they brought her here but she trusts them, more than anything so she continued on to follow them. case opens up the door and they enter the summer house

annie's pov
as soon as case opened the door i instantly got overwhelmed all you could smell was alcohol and weed. i walk inside with my boys and i look around and there's girls completely wasted, stripping and twerking on guys while they are recording them. people skinny dipping in the pool, people going into rooms to fuck. and then i spot johnny with his gang and my stomach dropped. even though i've had beef with them for years i've never actually been this close to them before, normally it's just our fathers fighting. why did case bring me here? next thing you know lauren orlando runs up to us and makes us follow her to the couch we all sit down and a server gives us all drinks. wtf is going on

annie: so why are we here

case: annie omg do you have to be so rude

lauren: it's fine, we invited you because we wanted to know what y'all we're like

annie: what we're like?

lauren: yeah

annie: than how comes your talking to me and not your brother

jacob: annie calm down

lauren: johnny doesn't actually agree with me talking to you guys he's kinda against it

annie: makes sense

lauren: so.. where are your brothers?

annie: not here

lauren: well obviously, are they going to come here?

annie: depends on what your planning

lauren smirked at her

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