S1 E6

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it's finally been done i swear if saverio doesn't die rn i'll kill him. nicolló is still simping for his teacher. wtf

lmao brando is low-key obsessed with damiano. are you fucking sirius saverio is alive 😤

no i don't want ludo and chiara to fight 🥲

lmao saverio looks horrible 💀 he might as well be dead

no chiara come back

omg yess i knew damiano crashed the car to save ludo

nicollo not your fucking teacher please

yess go fiore you pull that plug.

dude i was just praising you for pulling the plug now your tryna blame damiano. tryna blackmail him dude common

low-key hate khalid he never shows damiano the love he deserves

i love damiano

is fiore seriously doing this. and brando my god this guy doesn't stop

ahh im acc so proud of fabio. and camilla is starting to get annoying

i bet that picture brando showed camilla was the one he took of ludo.

i acc love ludo's name it's so pretty. like you can't even tell me ludovica sounds bad. tbh even tho i hate him nicolló is acc a nice name too

so this bitch has sex tapes too. i'm not even surprised. so who's pudding bowl now huh.

tf didn't you break up why you doing that. and i was literally just praising nicolló for breaking up with virginia and now he does this. i thought you could stop being a shit head for once but guess i thought wrong.

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