chapter 1 |getting cought|

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Anastasia is 12 in this and escaped  the redroom when she was 11. She now attends a random high school. All characters belong to Marvel except Anastasia and Konstantin which I made myself.


Anastasia: Ana
Konstantin: Stan

Tw: none

Ana's pov:

I was walking down the hallway and went to class. We had history it was so boring that I fell asleep.


I was on a mission in Canada. I had to kill a man named Clint Barton. I didn't get much information but I knew he was an Avenger and they were all on a mission in Canada somthing to do with Hydra I tought.

I sat at a distance watching them closely, watching each move waiting until Clint was alone. I didn't want to fight The Avengers today.

When he finaly was alone I attacked.

We faught he was pretty good but I was better.

I shot him in the leg and watched how he fell down in pain. I smirked.

I was about to finish it but the gun was kicked out of my hand.

A woman with red hair stood in front of me, a few seconde later all the avengers were standing in fighting pose facing me ready to fight.

I knew I had to head out so I ran. They never cought me, but I know they are still looking for me.

*End flashback*

I shot awake when the bell rang. Finaly time to go home. That was a flashback from a year ago before I escaped the Red Room.

I hated it there , its always kill him/her/them. I was their Best assasin, yes better than Natalia Romanova. They trained me to be.

They call me "The Red Widow".

But I failed the mission to kill Clint so they tortured me for hours.

Now that I escaped I have to be very carefull because now I have the Red Room AND the Avengers after me.

Anyways, I was walking down the street when I suddently felt somthing in my neck and evrything turned black.





343 words :) its pretty short I know but my next chapters aren't.
So this was my first chapter I hope you liked it . If I spelled anything wrong pls tell me bc english is not my first language. If you have ideas for my next chapter also comment it and yeah tysm for reading.

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