chapter 3

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Nats pov:

We were sitting in a conference room discussing if she was telling the truth or not. Most of us believed her but I wasn't sure, it was kind of a ridiculous story, but we're looking at the security foutage right now and she's still crying. I don't think someone could keep an act for that long.

"Ok so I think we should vote" Clint said. " I mean I believe her, I was already hurt before so I wasn't my best and her dad used to be in the army so that explains why she can fight.

Everyone voted that they believed her so I did too.

"Ok but what do we do with her, she's an orphan, do we report her to child services?" Steve asked.

" No " I said. "The system is horrible, I think she should stay here. That way we can also keep an eye out on her. And, she can fight. She could be useful tot the team on small missions maybe, after some training of course. "

Everyone agreed, so while the others moved on to discussing or next mission I went back to her. I still didn't trust her and I don't really like her either. Its like I know her already and not just from that day she attacked Clint.

Ana's pov:

I was still pretenting to be sad just in case when Natasha walked back into the room. Why does it always have to be her ughhh.

She explained everything to me and showed me to my room. I can't believe they believed me. Its kind of concerning that its this easy to fool the Earth Mightiest Hero's.

As she showed me my room I could tell she kept staring at me, she obviously didn't trust me, I mean I wouldn't eighter.

* time skip to 4 weeks later *

I have been acting extremely nice and innocent to whole time and I have gained everyone's trust, well everyone except one. We watch movies every Friday night. Train together and me and Wanda have become the best friends gossiping about everything.

Natasha still doesn't trust me and I have a feeling she doesn't really like me either. The feelings mutual by the way.

I just woke up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. When I walked in everyone greeted me, everyone except you know who, she was just staring at me. I dont get why she doesn't like me. Ok you don't trust me but that doesn't mean you have to be mean to be.

After breakfast i got upstairs again to get ready. I pick out some ripped jean shorts, a halter top and put my hair in a bun. Its really hot out today. I look down at my arm and see my tattoo. When I was in the Redroom everyone got a tattoo of the symbol on their wrist as a mark you belonged to them. I can't let the avengers see. I grabbed the waterproof concealer I bought when I went out shopping with Wanda, and covered the tattoo.

I continued to play my role as seemingly innocent and friendly and as the days went by, I grew accustomed to life in the Avenger's compound. I joined training sessions and movie nights, trying to blend the best I could. I also helped out with some tasks like finding information on bad guys which isn't that hard for me since I have been doing that my whole life. But it gained me a place among the heros, they even let me go on a mission but I had to stay in the Quinjet tough.

Days turned into weeks, and my relationship with the Avengers deepened. While I continued to work on gaining Natasha's trust, the cold-hearted assassin remained relentless in her pursuit of the truth. But Natasha wasn't convinced by Ana's act and was determined to uncover the young girl's hidden agenda.

One evening, as the team again gathered for a movie night, I noticed Natasha watching me from across the room. The tension between us was tangible.

Natasha's pov:

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Ana. Despite the rest of the team slowly warming up to her, I couldn't trust her. It wasn't just about my training in recognizing deception; it was an instinctual feeling deep within me. But I couldn't put my finger on why I felt this way.

I've been observing Ana from across the room the whole night. She blended in seamlessly, laughing with the others, contributing to the conversation, and even helping with tasks around the compound. It was as if she had been a part of the team for much longer than just a few weeks.

But I wasn't convinced. I had a nagging suspicion that there was more to her story than she let on. There was something about her past, something hidden, that she was desperately trying to conceal.

And there was another layer to my unease, something that I couldn't quite put into words. It was an odd mix of feelings – an inkling of familiarity and discomfort, as if I knew Ana from somewhere, yet couldn't place where or how. It added to my growing unease and made me more determined to uncover the truth behind her façade.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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