chapter 2

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Ana's pov:

I woke up in a room, handcuffed to the table. I got out of them in less then 20 seconds tough. I mean its not that hard a baby could do it.

I looked around the room, it was a plain room with a table and a mirror and ofcource camera's somewhere but I'm not stupid Its obviously a double sided mirror.

The redhead I recognized on my mission know as Natasha Romanoff or the black widow, walked in.

Okay I'm at avengers tower, so the avengers are probably watching behind the mirror.

"I can see you broke out of the cuffs" she said.

I didn't respond, instead I looked at the mirror and said "no need to hide back there I know your watching" while smirking.

Then I turned back to Natasha and glared at her. "Why am I here!?" I asked.

"Last year" she replied calmly. "Someone almost killed Barton. Someone about your age."

"What does that have to do with me!" I said masking my nervousness. I don't want to be locked in a cell, not when I'm finally free.

"The attacker left their DNA behind" she continued. "We ran it trough the system but found nothing, until we searched every middle school and found you"  she glared back at me.

"Another thing, we found nothing about you, not a single piece of information. I don't know who you are but I know your not good, thats for sure"

* Time skip *

I have been in this room for 2 hour now. All of the avengers where here now too. They want me to give them information, but I dont respond. I haven't said a single word since Natasha told me about how they found out.

"Ok I'm bored. She obviously wont tell us so lets just lock her up and call it a day" The one and only Tony Stark said.

"Fine." A man I know to be Steve Rodgers said. "We will try again tomorrow."

2 shield agents put me in handcuffs and dragged me to a cell. Great.

* Time skip to the next morning *

I'm already out of my cuffs again and I'm getting bored just laying here on the floor. I just want to leaveeeee.

But I have a plan. At night I couldn't sleep because of nightmares ofcource so I just made up a fake story so they would let me leave now I just have to wait until they come.

My somach grumbels, I haven't eten since 2 days ago. Living alone as a 12year old on the run is not easy but I can handle it I mean in the redroom I didn't get much food anyway.

Finaly I heard footsteps, lets get this plan into action.

Again it was Natasha, ugh I don't like her.

Anyways focus Ana, get into character. I faked a sad face watching the black widow approach. I doubt she's going to believe this but I'll give it a shot.

"Hey" I said making my eyes water.
I knew the avengers were watching on the camera's.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it really. I-I just started at a new school and I-I wanted to make friends so... I played along with truth or dare and I- got dared to fight an avenger and shoot them.." I fake sobbed.

"I didn't want to I swear, the- they pressured me to. They gave me a gun and I knew how to fight becau- because my dad used to be in the army before he and my mom died in a crash and I just saw Hawkeye alone and I did it I'm sorry I wasn't going to kill him I swear" I cried telling her my stupid made up story.

Now that I say it outloud its doesn't sound very realistic but whatever.

I looked at her still pretending to cry. I could see she was doubting my story I'm pretty proud of myself, I got the black widow to kind of believe my story.

She didn't say anything and walked away, probably to discuss with the others.

Even tough she was gone I kept crying in case they were still watching the security camera's.

I'm backkk sorryy that I left and for soo long but I want to update this story again so I will try to do so once a week.

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