Chapter 1

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"You will never understand me, so now I am not going to even try to make you understand. You can make whatever assumptions you want to. I will not justify anything to you. You have made it loud and clear that I am nobody to you. So from this moment on, you are nothing to me. I break every tie with you."

There was so much more Sai wanted to say to him, ask him. 'Virat Sir, why don't you deny me? Tell me that you have no feelings for Pakhi didi. Please tell me, Virat Sir, that you are taking back all you told me on our wedding day. Tell me, Virat Sir, that you love me...." But since she knew this was just wishful thinking, all she could say to all that. "Ok, Virat Sir. I will move out of your house as soon as we go back to Nagpur."

"What do you mean by move out? That house is yours too, my family is yours too... you don't have to leave..."

She did not let him finish. "The only relationship we have Virat Sir is that of you taking my responsibility—a guardian and ward. If you're breaking even that relation, how can I live in –forget the same room--same house as you? You know I don't want and like charity."

"Charity? I am breaking ties with you, my family isn't."

"All my relations with your family begin and end with you." She kept her tears locked within. She opened her phone and dialed a number.

"Ajinkya, sorry to bother you so late. The other day you mentioned your friend's landlord was looking for a new PG. Can you check if that room is still available?"

"What happened Sai? Is everything alright?"

"Yes Ajinkya—I got a call from Dean Sir. I have not done well in my last HAP test—you know how many classes I have missed. My scholarship is at risk now, so I have decided to move closer to college and stay alone for some time so I can focus on my Abba's dream. That is the only thing that matters to me."

"What about Virat Sir and your family?"

"My family, Ajinkya, I don't have a's Virat Sir's family. And he is equally invested in me becoming a doctor, becoming independent. So I am sure he will be supportive of my decision."

"Sai the room is still available. Sohini was asking around in college again today. I am sure she will be very happy. The landlord was going to increase her rent. Let me know if you need any help moving."

"Thanks Ajinkya...I will take you up on that offer. Virat Sir will be busy with work tomorrow so can you come over to Chavan Nivas around three in the afternoon."

"Are you sure? I mean..."

"Arre baba, don't worry. Virat Sir just had a misunderstanding. And now, it does not even matter."

"What do you mean? You're sure everything is alright?"

"Haan baba...please come tomorrow..."

"So you're missing college tomorrow as well?"

"Yes, this is the last time I am going to miss college because of people from Chavan Nivas. I will count on your notes as always. Good night my dear friend."

"Anytime buddy."

She finished packing her bag. Getting ready for bed, she was about to remove her earrings when her eyes fell on the ring, her birthday gift. She removed the ring and placed it on his nightstand.

"Sai, what are you doing? Please Sai..." His voice was breaking.

There was nothing more to say. It was over for her.   She switched off her light and then silently let her tears flow. 

Virat wanted to cry out loud. He could not breathe. He wanted to hurt himself for saying what he said. But then he remembered her words. The only relationship she said we share is that of guardian and ward. Really?! Is that all I am to her? He picked up the ring. It is so easy for her to just slip it off her finger. The other day she was ready to sell it—despite me telling her I don't ever want her to take the ring off, she was prepared to sell it. And now, she just slipped it off. It's so easy for her, so easy to end this. Why can you not love me, Sai? You hated me on the day we met. Do you still hate me? 'Do kashti main sawaar!' How could she say that? The entire family knows and has seen how much I love you, Sai, but why can't you? Can't you read the love in my eyes? Or is it that you just don't care?

Well, Sai, I will not stop you. Not this time. I don't want to imprison you in a relationship you so abhor.

Virat moved his suitcase from the bed and quietly sat down beside her, his wife, his soul mate, and his only true love. Even tonight, he wanted to caress her soft face. He so wanted to move the strand of hair (his arch-enemy) kissing her cheek. He did not switch off the light. He just sat there, admiring her one last time, taking her in—her fragrance, her light snoring, her everything.

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