Chapter 10

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Aai and Sai's conversation was much more than Sai telling Aai excitedly about her selection into the NMC's shadow program. It was the final nail in Virat, and Sai's now dead one-year-long-deal-based relation's coffin.

After congratulating Sai for her exciting news, Aai started to make a case for Sai and Virat's reconciliation. "Sai, Bala, Samrat and Patralekha have decided to take their wedding vows again. The auspicious date is set for the 15th of next month. They have decided to give their relationship one chance." She paused to hear Sai's reaction. There was silence, so she continued.

"Sai, will you not give your relation with my Godu a chance as well?"

Sai had started walking to the café, an everyday reminder of how she had been betrayed. She was alone, and no passersby were interested in listening to her conversation, so she decided to let herself go.

"So Virat Sir has once again sacrificed his love. Why does he always want to be a martyr? Him agreeing to marry me was also him trying to show the world what a selfless man he is." Virat was tempted to say something, but he did not because he knew she would not only end the call but never ever call Aai, who was betraying her trust. So he let Sai continue.

"Aai, Pakhi Didi is in love with Virat Sir, this renewing vow, giving another chance, is all a sham. Virat Sir is continuing to ruin that poor woman's life because of his stubbornness and selflessness. They have a second chance...."

Aai, interrupted. "But Virat is not in love with Patralekha."

"He was na, Aai? He was madly in love with her. You know what Aai, we met their yoga teacher in Mahableshwar, and she couldn't stop gushing over Virat Sir and Pakhi Didi's chemistry—they were so visibly in love. And I saw that again in the café that day. Anyway Aai, I really don't want to discuss this. As I had told you the other day – this is between Virat Sir, Pakhi Didi and Samrat Dada. It's their mess. It's their choice to be brave and once and for all clean it up or continue living in an intertwined mess."

Aai continued making her case, and Virat did not stop her. "Sai that is not true beta. Virat has fallen in love with you—why do you not see it? It happens bala, so many arranged marriages don't start with love on day one—love comes gradually beta."

"Aai, but ours was not an arranged marriage and there lies the difference. Ours was a forced marriage. In an arranged marriage the boy and girl come together based on their own will—its their choice.... they come together with the intention of spending a life time together. But our marriage was forced on Virat Sir and me as well. I will never forget that right after we finished the pheras,  the most sacred vows, Virat Sir conveyed to me how much those vows meant to him. Right after promising a lifetime of togetherness, he reinforced that the marriage is not a marriage, but just a deal. We were never meant to give our marriage, our so called relationship, a chance Aai."

"But that was then, so much has changed since then."

"Nothing has changed, at least for me. Aai, every time I made the mistake of forgetting that our marriage was a deal, I was reminded otherwise, sometimes by Pakhi Didi and sometimes by Virat Sir." Sai was pouring her heart out. Her eyes were smarting as she kept them from giving away.  "Pakhi Didi had a problem with Virat Sir giving me a rose on Valentine's day, and Virat Sir had the audacity of asking me how come Pakhi Didi got to know that MY husband gave me his WIFE a rose. Over the year, there have been countless such incidents. She did not even spare me on my birthday. Pushing me was not enough. Later that night, she was pacing outside our door, as always keeping an eye on Virat Sir. And when I questioned her, she told me how much Virat has made her suffer. How much he has wronged her. And how I should not expect anything from him. So Aai, for me, nothing changed." She took in a deep breath. 

"Aai, I don't want someone to fall in love with me because that person has no other choice. I don't want to be someone's compromise."


"Sorry Aai, I know being Virat Sir's mother it must be hard for you to hear me say all this, but today Aai, it seems you're talking to me only as his mother. And if it is going to be difficult for you to treat me as your daughter then Aai, I will not call you henceforth. I don't want to cause you any pain."

"Sai, no bala. I just want you to be happy. And I want Virat to be happy as well. You both are my bachas. And I am sorry, I had no idea you were going through this. Why did you not tell me all this before?"

"Aai—when Virat Sir proposed the deal, I did not decline it. It was a mutual agreement. So there was nothing to complain about. In fact I am grateful to Pakhi Didi for never letting me get carried away. And so for me, nothing changed Aai—the relationship always stayed a deal, a responsibility until I become financially independent, which I am now, so the deal's off. Virat Sir is a free man to follow his heart."

The definiteness in Sai's voice was unmistakable. The depth in what she said, admirable. There was no point in continuing the topic. "Sai, bala, every day my admiration for you only grows my child. Acha mala sang when does this program start and what is it exactly?"

"Dean Sir is going to announce it on Monday. He will give us all the details and we will get to meet our mentors that day. Will tell you more about it then. I am so excited, Aai."

"Yes, I can tell. Ok, when are we meeting? Can I come to see your flat?"

"Of course, Aai. You can come anytime. Seeing you Vishu Kaka, might relax some rules." That laughter that Virat was missing so desperately was back. 

"How about this Saturday? I am missing your sabudana khichdi and kothamir wade so much, Aai."

"Yes, yes baba, I will bring you a whole lot to share with your flat-mates as well. Mohit and Shivani are missing you so much."

"Tell them I said Hi... now I have to go Aai, I have reached my café. Love you, Aai."

"Love you, Bala."

"Virat, you and Patralekha have completely broken that poor little soul." Aai seemed too upset to speak further, so she left the room, left Virat alone to introspect.

All this while he had thought that Sai never understood his feelings because she is immature. But the immature one was really he. The entire year flashed by before his eyes. Pakhi and his conversation on the night Sai came to Chavan Nivas. Him wanting Pakhi to mentor Sai. "So you want me to be mature like Pakhi?" She had asked. Virat had never noticed the pain behind that question. 

He remembered their 'supposedly' wedding night when Pakhi had come to his room and created a scene because she saw a lipstick mark on his shirt. He remembered how Pakhi had canceled going on an official trip to find Samrat only because Virat had asked Sai to join them. 

Sai was right; the incidents were countless. He now understood why Sai never accepted that he and Pakhi were just friends. His and especially Pakhi's behavior could easily have been misconstrued as more than friends.

He finally realized why Sai couldn't fathom him celebrating their marriage anniversary. He now understood why she was so upset. He had finally put himself in her shoes—'do kashti main sawar---perhaps I would have also come to the same conclusion.'

Yes, Virat had broken his poor angel. 'Will she ever be able to love someone?' he thought. She needed time to heal; she needed time to mourn the death of their deal-based relationship. So he would give her the time she needed to get over Virat Sir so that someday she may be able to get to know and perhaps fall in love with Virat.

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