Part 1

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A lot of people requested another book so here it is. This will be slow updates most likely as I work to finish up the other books. 

Thank you and enjoy reading!

In this story Dylan and Caden are twins
Tobin POV

"Toby it's time to get up" My older brother, Radley, said softly knocking on the door.

I fluttered my eyes open and to look at the ceiling "Toby are you up?" Rad asked again "Yeah Rads I'm up" I yelled through the door

I sat there for a second "New school, no friends, and no" I said sitting up slowly before messing my short hair more than it already was. I sighed and stood up "I miss you mom" I said to the picture on my wall before walking into my bathroom

Once I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs to see my dad and brother sitting at the table eating "Good morning Tobin" My dad said

"Hi" I said grabbing an apple. I turned around to leave, but my dad grabbed my wrist "Baby girl I know it hurts, but I love you ok" he said

I bit my lip so I wouldn't cry. My mind was screaming for me to be strong and to not cry, but it was so hard. My dad stood up along with Radley and hugged me

"I miss her too Toby" Radley said. I sighed, looking up to keep the tear from escaping

"I'm going to skate to school" I said avoiding their gazes as I made my way to the garage to grab a board and get to school for my first day
About a block before I got to school I crossed the street when a car came speed up to me. I jumped off the board quickly to avoid him "Jerk" I said to myself

Dylan POV

"Skylar you could've hit him!" I yelled to my boyfriend looking back at the boy pick up his skateboard "Oh cmon I wasn't gonna hit him" Skylar said laughing

I sighed and slumped down in my seat "Dyl relax! It's our first day! Cheer up!" He said putting his hand on my thigh. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but he is my boyfriend after all

Once we pulled up into the parking spot I looked around to see if I could see this boy.

I'm guessing he's new because I've never seen him before. "Come on baby I gotta meet the guys." He said dragging me with him as I looked at the new boy pick his skateboard up and look around

Tobin POV

Where the fuck is my home room?

I looked at my paper again only to bump into someone making their books drop to the floor "I'm so sorry" I said quickly picking them up and being face to face with a freckled boy

"It's alright. Dude you have a cool board! You skate?" He asked looking at my skateboard that was strapped to my bag.

Obviously I skated. It's not just decoration "Yeah" I said awkwardly. I wasn't the most extroverted person. I wouldn't say I'm introverted, but at my old school I wasn't the most popular. I was just well know and we'll liked, I could blend in

"I'm Caden by the way, Caden Conrique." He said holding out his hand "Tobin, Tobin Eeps. I just moved here from Cali" I said shaking his hand

"Oh shit a Cali dude! A long way from home man." He smiled at me. Of course he thought I was a dude. Everyone did. Small breast, tall, masculine, and definitely doesn't help that I have a third leg

"Not quite a Cali dude." I said pausing to let it sink in. He looked very confused "I'm a girl" I leaned in and whispered

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