Part 4

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Tobin POV

It'd been about a week since I opened up to Dylan. We had been hanging out basically everyday now and I've definitely like her. I know now that I found my person my mom always told me I would.

My dad had told me that I need to finally unpack and settle into our new home. I felt as if  I unpacked it meant that mom was really gone. That this was my reality. She really gone

I had been crying in my room holding the ukulele my mom and I always used to play together for about an hour now

"Why her!" I cried as I stood up and threw a frame I had at my mirror, making it shatter all over the ground "Why!" I yelled again

My brother ran into the room as my knees gave out  "Why Rad? She didn't deserve it." I cried out into his shoulder

"It's ok Toby. It's ok" he soothed as I held tightly onto his shirt like I was going to lose him too "It's gonna be ok alright? It's gonna get better" he said running his hand through my hair

"No it doesn't. Not with out mom." I cried out harder.

My dad came in and picked me up off my brother "Listen to me sweetheart, I know it hurts, but she'd want you to be strong" He said as he shed a few tears himself

"It's not fair dad. I just feel so numb" I could feel my throat hurting and my heartbeat in my ears, like I had been feeling everytime I cried

He put his hands on my face and used his thumbs to dry my tears "That was the love of my life. I know how you feel baby. I understand, but I know I gotta move on. Me being locked away in my room and breaking stuff isn't gonna bring her back." He kissed my forehead

"I'm not saying you have to completely move on over night, but I want you to try." He brought Radley into our hug and kissed both our heads

"I love you both. You guys are all I have left of your mother. I promised your mother I'd always keep you both safe and healthy. You got to help me though" He said sniffling

We nodded and he walked out of the room. You could tell he was about to cry.

Radley left next after giving me another hug

I sat on the ground next to the mirror I broke and just thought about my mom. She really was my beat friend. I put my hands in my hair and brought my knees up

After a while of just sitting in silence, there was a knock on the door "C-come in" my voice came out a little horse

Dylan's face popped into the room and once she found me sitting she rushed over to me. "Toby are you ok?" She asked checking my hand out that I didn't even realize was bleed

"Oh. Y-yeah I'm ok." I said, my voice wavering

"You don't look ok. Tobin look at me" she said lifting my head "What happened?"

Looking at her so confused made me break down again. I hit my head against the wall and looked up to hold it in

"I just miss my mom and I took it out on my mirror" I said with a humorless laugh

She rubbed my arm "It's ok to miss her" she said quietly. She then looked around "Why don't you sing a song for me. I know it'll make you feel better. You told me singing makes you feel better" she said grabbing the guitar from the stand and handed it to me

(Play I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane)

I sniffled and finally looked up to Dylan who was smiling "My mom wrote that to my dad" I sighed scratching my head

"Well it's beautiful" she said

"You're beautiful" I mumbled softly

She was silent for a second "Sorry" I said looking up. What shocked me, I felt lips on mine. When she pulled away I was still in shock

"I just broke up with Skylar" she said "I came over here because I didn't feel safe anywhere else" she explained, but it just went through one hear and out the other while I stared at her

"Are you just going to sit there and stare at me or say something?" She asked

I opened and closed my mouth still trying to comprehend life. "Ummm...yea- wait what'd you say?"

She smiled and leaned again "A-are you sure? Can I?" I asked

"Consent is why I'm sure I want you to kiss me" She grabbed my hand and I winced

"Oh your hand. Here I'll help you clean it" She said attempting to stand up, but I brought her back into me "I've had worse. I skate remember" I then kissed her again

"No I'm serious. There's glass all in your hand" she said examining my hand

It's like she had hypnotized me. I couldn't move or speak

She pulled me up and into my bathroom. She instructed me to sit on the counter as she cleaned me up

"There all better" she said smiling at me

"Thanks Dyl" I said looking at my bandaged hand. She hummed in response and stood in between my legs "So uh w-what does this mean?" I asked

She pulled on the hat that was on my counter "It means I like you and I definitely know you like me and I get to steal your clothes and not get in trouble with Skylar" she said with a smile

"So you're like my g-girlfriend?" I asked

"Let's nit put a label on it for now, but if you keep being this cute,awkwardly shy, softie then I think you have a chance" she said playing with my hair

"Ok I-I can do that" I said "Does that mean I can kiss you now?"

"Do you want to?" She asked. I nodded quickly

She smiled and kissed me "Then you can kiss me"she added biting her lip

We walked back out "Will you sing for me now?" I asked

"I-I guess I can" she stiffened

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