Part 2

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Tobin POV

The next day once I got to school I looked for Dylan and Caden. More specifically, I looked for Dylan. Last night I just couldn't get her off my mind. Her beauty, her smile, her laugh, literally everything about her.

I spotted her at her locker with I'm guessing her boyfriend. I didn't want to interrupt, so I just waved once she looked at me. She only gave me a tight lipped smile though. I thought it was odd, but I'll take it. A few lockers down was Caden, so I decided I go talk to him

"Sup Cad" I said as I made my way over to his locker "Hi Cali" he said not paying me any means. He was glaring at his sister and her boyfriend. I still don't even know his name "Skylar is such a dick to her. He doesn't even deserve her. Someone genuine deserves her, someone who's going to treat her like she's this valuable, precious, fragile angel. He doesn't love her" he mumbled "You deserve her Cali. You're sweet and funny, nice, you look like you'd be a gentleman." He said looking me up and down

"Caden I'm wearing cargo pants and a tshirt that's like 20 years old. Today is not the best day to think I'm a gentleman" I told him with a laugh "See! You're not cocky too! You're perfect or her, but she's so fucking blind! You look like your sex is good" he said

"Ok Caden I'm done having this conversation with you" I chuckled as I walked away from his locker "Oh come on Tobin! You know I'm right!" He said following me

"Dude I don't have time for this. I need to go see the music teacher before school starts and you're being an annoying little pest" I said continuing to walk down the hall

"I thought you went yesterday?" He questioned "Well yeah, I went yesterday, but I only saw your sister there singing and then I got distracted after that" I told him

"You what!" He said stopping which, drew attention to him by the whole hallway. He looked around and cleared his voice before walking again "You saw my sister singing? No one gets to hear her sing. She barely sings around me and I'm her twin" he said in only a whisper

"We'll I guess I got lucky" I shrugged "She has a beautiful voice" I said "Why doesn't she sing in front of people?" I asked

"Because she's scared people won't like it and she also gets stage fright super bad" he explained to me

I made and 'oh' expression as we continued walking. Once I got to the music room I finally met her. Her name is Ms. Taylor and she super nice. She told me the room is open at any hour as long as there is not class.
"Hey Toby. I was wondering if I could have some money for lunch because I forgot my lunch at home and dad can't drop it off because he's a work" Radley said walking up to me at lunch

"You have a brother?! And didn't tell us!" Rush practically yelled which drew more attention to us then Caden this morning

"Keep your voice down! We do not know each other at school! We just happen to share DNA and the same last name" Radley whisper yelled ducking down. He had a point. We've never been friends at school and I plan on keeping it that way

Anyway I gave him the ten dollars and he left me alone. "Since when have you had a brother?" Hayden said

"Since I was born into the family and there was a two year old boy there already" I said

They all rolled there eyes at me and we continued on with our lunch. They really are some of the best friends I've ever had. I've never really had any friends, but still. I feel like I can finally tell people about my condition. Why I'm so masculine and talk and strong " Hey guys. I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone before. I feel like I can trust you guys not to tell anyone and accept me" I said. I was shaking in my seat

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