Dungeon Dragon - Chapter 4

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Rebecca’s POV

“Phil, is that you?” I tried again.

I told him today was my parents’ death anniversary and maybe he decided to come after all. I made my way across the cemetery, still looking for the mystery cameraman. I heard a few more snapshots and walked towards the sound. After a couple of minutes, there were no more snapshots so I just went back to my mom and dad. It was probably just some creep trying to scare people.

I sat down in front of my parents.

“Mom, I wish I brought you flowers or something…” I said awkwardly.This is the first time I went to their grave after the funeral. “It’s just that.. things aren’t going so well these days. Aunt Penny drives me crazy because she’s such a lazy drunkard like dad but I got it covered. I got a job at the 7-Eleven nearby. Don’t worry I’m not tiring myself and I still have time to do my homework and stuff at home.” Should I tell her about school? I mean, I didn’t want them to worry but probably wherever they are they already know what was going on.

“Mom, you see, at school.. I still haven’t made friends. Ever since I moved to Aunt Penny’s and into a new school, I just never got around to making friends. People would gawk at me all the time. News spread like wildfire at school and it’s just that when they heard that both of my parents died in an accident and I’m living with my not-so-good Aunt they must’ve thought I was a freak. It would be nice if someone actually pitied me but no one just wanted to talk to me.”

“Most of them would even bully me. Like, spill my drink, bump into me, get me into detention and stuff like that. I never really knew what I did to make them all hate me. I’m sorry mom, I don’t want you to worry but I guess I just needed someone to talk to,”

I looked over at dad’s grave. I was still mad at him and I could not make myself forgive him. He used to hurt me a lot when I was young. He was so much like his sister, Aunt Penny. I remember when he just sits on the sofa all day while drinking.

“But mom, don’t worry. I have a friend. His name is Phil. I don’t know that much about him but he’s really nice. He listens to everything I say to him. We only contact each other through email, though. I feel really secure with him. He’s like… a big brother. The only problem is, he won’t come see me. I’ve asked him lots of times already but he won’t budge. I don’t understand what could be the problem. Maybe he lives really far away or something; maybe even overseas,”

I didn’t have anything else to say so I got up and waved bye to both of them. I started walking down the pavement. I was already by the iron gates when something caught my eye. I walked a few feet and found a red juicy apple on top of a grave stone. That was weird. When I came here, I sure didn’t see this one. In the middle of this sad and morbid place what a weird sight it was to see an apple. I wasn’t superstitious but I thought maybe it was left for the dead so I just turned around and walked away.

**The next day**

I got to school early because I couldn’t make myself sleep last night. I had dark circles under my eyes but who cares? I made my way to Algebra. After a couple of minutes students started coming in and taking their seats. A creaky sound made me look up. It was Ellen. She’s back! I immediately stood up and was frozen in shock. She was on a wheelchair and she was wearing a cast on her right arm and on her left leg. Her signature pink headband was placed atop on her head neatly. The pink headband I found on my bed came back to me.

I sat down trying to make myself calm. Ellen looked like she was looking for someone and when her eyes rested on me her expression changed. It was like she was shocked and very nervous. James, her boyfriend, pushed her wheelchair onto her proper seat. She was seating a few rows in front of me so all I could do was stare at her back. What was that look she gave me? It looked like she was really scared of something.

The rest of the day didn’t turn out well. Every time I would see Ellen and her friends, Ellen would give me that nervous glance but her friends act like they don’t see me there. They didn’t say anything to me at all and that was fine but Ellen was totally creeping me out. Rumors said that last night, Ellen came home with fractures and she was a nervous wreck. She wouldn’t tell anyone, not even her parents, what happened to her. She even begged them not to call the police.

Seriously, what happened to her?

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