💙Ethan and Elinor💙 : 💙Ein x Luna💜

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(Yes the song is a song that reminds me of Luna and Ein and their love life it's called "You'll Be On My Mind" which basically describes it, it's they're theme song. It's like how Aaron and Aph have a theme song called "You Will Always Be The One" which literally describes their live life)

 It's like how Aaron and Aph have a theme song called "You Will Always Be The One" which literally describes their live life)

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(^^^ Hot, but god damn I miss him *sighs*)

Anyways I'm splitting up Ethan and Elinor so you can expect that this oc one will be a lot longer since it's 2 ocs in one.

Another thing you can expect is that based of the "E" names these 2 are basically the love children of Ein and Luna or well their kids

Child 1 : Elinor

Generation 1

Generation 2

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Generation 2

Generation 3 (Current)

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Generation 3 (Current)

Generation 3 (Current)

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