✨Kyle✨ : 💙Ein x Kai🧡

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Ok now we're on to the fan ships that I ship too

So basically this oc is the son of the Kian ship. This has literally been only gay Aphmau otp or all my gay MyStreet otp Loi (Leif x Noi) is still my over all gay Aphmau otp.

But anyways it's funny how I didn't use to ship Kain until I started looking at its fan art which was all really adorable there was even one that just too the cake for me and it's this one

But anyways it's funny how I didn't use to ship Kain until I started looking at its fan art which was all really adorable there was even one that just too the cake for me and it's this one

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So yeah because of seeing that picture online it's what triggered me to finally give in and ship Ein x Kai
Generation 1

So yeah because of seeing that picture online it's what triggered me to finally give in and ship Ein x Kai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Generation 1

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Generation 2 (Current)

Generation 2 (Current)

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Not many changes aside form I switched the ears and tail color and gave him earnings in his wolf ears~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Not many changes aside form I switched the ears and tail color and gave him earnings in his wolf ears

Not many changes aside form I switched the ears and tail color and gave him earnings in his wolf ears~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~~~~~~ Traits ~~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~~~~~~ Traits ~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Kyle

Fandom: Aphmau (Mystreet)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Parents: Ein and Kai

Siblings: None

Hight: 6'0"

Sexuality: Gay

Relationship Status: Single

Partner/Lover: None

Occupation: Student at Phoenix Drop High

Handedness: Left

Eye color: One orangish yellow and one gray/silver

Species: Meif'Wa-Werewolf hybrid

Favorite Color: Blue and Orange

Favorite Activities: being a good student and making sure his parents don't kill each other from annoying the other

Personality: Honestly it's a mix of Ein's and Kai's. So he's sweet and shy like how his Ein use to be and pretty intelligent like Kai

Best Friends: Undecided

~~~~~~ Extra Info ~~~~~~

Honestly I don't really know what to say except that Kyle was a planned child.

I don't exactly know how Kyle came to be because he's not adopted he has both Ein and Kai's genetics and only their genetics so he's a biological child but neither of them are female.

However there is a theory on how Kyle came to be and that was because of a potion but not just any potion a gender swap temporary forever potion. Meaning it wasn't designed to last forever only till needed then it wares off

This gender swap temporary forever potion was possibly used on Kai turning him female and that's how Kyle came to be. However once Kyle was born a few days go by and the potion on Kai wares off resulting in Kai being swapped back to male like he originally was.

Kyle then grows up to have the personality and genes of both Ein and Kai being one of the first known characters to be a Meif'Wa-Werewolf hybrid

Kyle then grows up to have the personality and genes of both Ein and Kai being one of the first known characters to be a Meif'Wa-Werewolf hybrid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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