💚Link and Lara💚 : 🍃Leif x Luna🍃

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(Yes the song is a song that reminds me of Luna and Leif and their love life it's called "Cause Your The One" which basically describes it, it's their theme song. It's also the "My Inner Demons" them song which makes sense. However to me it's literally meant for Leif and Luna in my mind mainly because of the line "We could break up and then make up I'll always come back to you, you move me in a way, never thought anyone could do..." because that did happen if you read my backstory for Luna she literally broke up with Leif then came back to him when he became a knight because she couldn't stop thinking about him when she did court/date him)

" because that did happen if you read my backstory for Luna she literally broke up with Leif then came back to him when he became a knight because she couldn't stop thinking about him when she did court/date him)

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Anyways like I did the previous ones, these 2 will also be separate even though these 2 are twins

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Anyways like I did the previous ones, these 2 will also be separate even though these 2 are twins

They're also the kids of Leif and my daemos version of Luna

Also can I just take a moment and say how hot Leif is like Damn. Plus I love his kinky attitude as well he's definitely one of the more on the horny side of daemos guys. <- (Yeah I realized what I said there and I actually didn't mean to make that a pun no really I'm actually being honest here I didn't mean it at all what so ever trust me)
Anyways yeah Leif is another one of the characters I totally Simp for like how can you not. Honestly if I could only chose just one of the 5 hot daemos guys to court/be with it would definitely be Lief no doubt about it so my daemos oc is a lucky bitch

 Honestly if I could only chose just one of the 5 hot daemos guys to court/be with it would definitely be Lief no doubt about it so my daemos oc is a lucky bitch

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