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As you ran and ran and ran.. you finally stopped at a dead end. Nothing left for you. You didn't know where you were. You didn't know how to get home.. or if someone was even looking for you after you disappeared the other night. Frantically walking down the street, all of a sudden a bright car's headlights flashed right before your eyes, soon enough, you were knocked out.

"Doctor is she okay..? Please let me know if anything else changes.." said a voice, not knowing whose you slowly opened your eyes to see a man in a hospital uniform and someone sitting next to you.. "Oh my god you're awake thank god!" said the voice, the voice of... who was it... you slowly turned your head then saw a man with short lilac colored hair.. it was Mitsuya? What the heck dude?

"Hey Y/N you awake? I'm sorry I didn't know you were standing there..! I'll pay your medical bills I promise.!" Mitsuya said, obviously worried about you. I mean c'mon, you were just hit by his car. You slowly sat up in the hospital bed, looked at Mitsuya then.. "Mitsuya..? What are you doing here? I don't remember anything I'm really sorry.." you said feeling bad for him. Although it was already awkward since you haven't met him since high school, it made it even worse for you because you had no clue what was going on.

After a few hours of him explaining everything and you catching up, someone else came in to see you. It was Mikey, "Sorry boss, I'll leave you two be.." Mitsuya said to Mikey, leaving the room. "So y/n, where were you when this happened? And why?" Mikey said to you as he sat down in the chair Mitsuya was sitting in before. "I was.. well I don't really know how to explain this.." you sighed at first, then continued.. "Look, me and Emma got drunk and I slept over at her house but nothing happened I promise! I know she is your sister. I wouldn't do anything like that to her, I promise." You said to Mikey, he stared at you in shock for a bit, then, "Look y/n, I don't know why you like my sister so much, but if she hurt you so badly to the point you lost it and Mitsuya hit you with his car? Just tell me what's wrong and what she did, I'll teach her a lesson, don't worry." Mikey said, trying not to sound super serious.

A while passed by, telling Mikey everything Mitsuya had just told you. Ken had come to see you during your talk with Mikey so he heard most of what happened as well.

As a week passed you were finally out of the hospital and definitely not ready to face Emma. Mikey wouldn't even let you after what you told him, so you didn't even bother. Although Emma has been texting you quite frequently.


Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: Hey Y/N, I'm sorry if I was rude or weird to you yesterday.. come back.

Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: Oh my god Mikey told me you got hit! Are you okay?!

Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: Mikey said I'm not allowed to see you.. I'm not sure why but I really hope you text back soon.

Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: Please just talk to me. That's all I want from you.

Emma Sano ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ: Please Y/N.. I miss you. I really hope you're okay.. I'm sorry.

After reading and [ignoring] all of Emma's text's you arrived at home, the drive home was very dramatic with Ken, he thought you would get shocked every time you saw a car and wouldn't be able to handle it.. this dude. Always worries way too much.

"Hey Ken, when did they say I'm good to go to school?" You asked, eating breakfast with your brother. "Umm I think you're able to go today?" Ken replied. Quickly standing up, you rushed to get ready, considering you were a complete mess. Being in the hospital for a week made you even lazier than usual. In case you didn't know, attendance in college is a huge thing. You almost never want to be absent, not even when you're sick. However being bedridden in a hospital there was no possible way you could change things.

Rushing out the door grabbing the rest of your breakfast off of the counter to eat on the walk [run] to school. "Bye Ken! And also fuck you for not telling me this yesterday" you said giving him the middle finger. The second you got to the entrance, slightly slowing down.. you had a huge wave of pain in your legs. "Ow!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ow! What the fuck!" You shouted in pain. 'I guess I shouldn't have ran to school considering I just got out of the hospital..' you thought to yourself. "Miss Y/N! So what, you get hit by a car and suddenly don't know how to act? Go to the principal's office. Now" The monitor at the front door said to you.

Doing the walk of shame to the principal's office to get lectured and then walking to your class was so embarrassing.. but you survived, or at-least you thought you did. Opening the door you ran into someone. It was Emma. 'Why.. why.. does God hate me? Jesus what did I do to you..' you thought to yourself. "Oh my god y/n I'm so glad you're okay! Can we talk please..?" Emma asked you. You sighed, "We have class now, no." replying to her. "Oh of course not now..! Ok yes after class? That's okay right..?" Emma said, looking at you with pleading eyes.

"Fine.." you said back to her.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 - 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now