Chapter 13

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A/N- I know it has been a while. I am so sorry! School had started up again and things were piling on like crazy. Anyway...Sorry for any misspellings and grammatical errors. I know where this story is going, it's just taking a while to put it down. 



It started small, but Sakura began to feel unneeded and replaced by Cherry Blossom. It was the simple tasks that she couldn't do as herself anymore because Cherry Blossom was more there. So instead of doing it as herself she had to put on a genjutsu to do the same thing.

"Master, do you need anything?" The pink-haired shinobi knelt in front of her awaiting orders.

"No Sakura, I already have the Cherry Blossom taking care of it. I want you to stick to the hospital, for now, I feel as if something big is going to happen."

"Yes Ma'am."

She followed onward anyway.


Sakura was out walking to another shift at the hospital when she overheard a conversation.

"I heard that the Cherry Blossom..."

Sakura zoned out and frowned.

'What happened to being the Hokage's apprentice?" even the citizens were paying more attention to her more than, well, her.


'Why am I getting jealous of myself?' Sakura thought to herself as she was laying in her and Sai's usual meet-up point. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she bit her lips as her mind was battling her outrageous thoughts.

"Sakura, What's up?" Sai appeared and looked over her as he noticed her distraught expression.

"'s nothing." Sakura stuttered. Her thumbs twiddled a little. Sai took a seat by her head and Sakura put her head in his lap.

"Sakura, you know you can tell me anything right?" Sai started messing with her hair as she let the silence prolong before she answered.

"Of course Sai." Sai noticed the hesitation and hummed.

"Then, what's up?" Sakura looked up and stared at Sai before looking towards the trees in a longing manner.

"I'm getting replaced... By my counterpart."


"Shizune!" Tsunade shouted from the middle of her office. Her desk was covered in paperwork and empty sake bottles. Shizune, who was in her own corner, walked over to the Hokage with s cute pig in her arms.

"Yes Ma'am?" Tsunade never looked up from her sheet of paper.

"Did you find anything on the Shinko or the HItachi family?"

"No ma'am."

"Keep looking!"

"Yes ma'am!" Shizune scurried off to the depths of the archives looking for information they didn't realize was in the Hokage's apprentice herself.

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