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*sixty minutes later; Meet and greet*

An hour has gone by and I was still very worried about Kal's whereabouts as the panel ended and the meet and greet went underway fifteen minutes ago, I tried to act as normal as I could for the fans

I hope he's somewhere safe

Soon a pair came towards me, the guy was wearing a black Superman shirt underneath a black varsity jacket, while the girl was wearing a casual black dress with thin straps, carrying movie posters of Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman

"Hello Henry! How are you doing today!" the girl greets with a happy smile, setting down the Man Of Steel poster for me to sign

"Not that great" I admit, signing her poster with a soft smile "My dog Kal ran off somewhere and I'm worried" I added

"He's an American Akita right? Black and White, big floofy bear like dog?" The guy said, placing his poster down as well

"Yes, you've seen him?" I asked as I signed the other poster, they both nodded

"She's with our sister right now, I'd call her but my phone's in the car" the girl said

"You can use my phone" I took out my phone and gave it to her

She took it and dialed a number, calling her sister "Hey Cat... I left my phone in the car!... No I found Kal's owner and I'm using his phone right now" she handed me my phone back, still in call "She wants to talk to you" she says

"Hello? I um have your dog" a girl spoke "Black and White and looks like a cuddly bear?" I could almost see the sweet smile she was giving Kal, who I imagine is next to her

I nodded, forgetting that she couldn't see my action "Is he alright?" I asked worriedly, I hear a familiar happy bark and a soft giggle from her, making my stomach suddenly flutter

I don't even know this girl, she was just  the one found my dog! But something about her voice that draws me into her and I want to know more about her

"You're on loudspeaker, and that's his way of telling you he's in good hands" she chuckled "We're at the hotel's lobby, I was about to ask the receptionist about you anyway"  she adds

I look at the line, some of them were cheering as I looked "Um can we meet up in the next hour and a half? I'm a tad busy with a few things" I said

"No problem at all!  We can wait in the cafe in front of the hotel?" She offered

"Of course!" I smiled "I'm Henry by the way" I introduced myself

"I recognize your British accent anywhere, my sister is infatuated with you since watching The Tudors"  she laughed softly "I'm Catalina" she spoke her name with a hint of a Spanish accent

"I'll see you later Catalina" I smiled as she said goodbye and I ended the call "Thank you so much for your help" I gave them both a group hug

"We're happy to help!" The guy said with a smile as we pulled away

"I was actually going to ask you if you'd marry me" the girl giggled "But I think you're better suited for my sister" she whispered but her brother heard her

"Sofia!" Her brother scolded "I'm sorry about her" he smiled apologetically before glaring at her

"No it's alright! I look forward to meeting her and thanking her personally later" I smiled, they said their goodbyes as I continued on with the signing

This is going to be very interesting... But what I said was true...  I look forward to meeting her in person

A/N: Sofia being the wingwoman Catalina needs (not necessarily wants but whatever 😂💕)

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A/N: Sofia being the wingwoman Catalina needs (not necessarily wants but whatever 😂💕)

-sofia 💖

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