four (ft Kal's Point Of View 🧸🖤)

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Bold+ italics= words spoken in Spanish (I don't trust translators 😂)

Italics with “”=  Kal's “words”


"Your daddy should be here soon boy!" I smiled and caressed the top of Kal's head, earning a soft and happy bark from him, nuzzling my leg as we were at the corner table of the cafe in front of the convention venue, thinking that Henry would probably like to get his dog somewhere a little more secluded, I had ordered a simple chicken salad while waiting for him; giving Kal a few pieces to munch on

My Mama and Sofia have always had a crush on him ever since they saw him in "Man of Steel"  and "The Tudors", and ever since then they would often drag me to watch his projects as a mediator between our mama and our very jealous Papa.

I actually have a small crush on him, though not as big as my mom and sister and he's one of the actors I want to work with in the future

"Why did you run away from your poppa huh?" I asked and began petting him softly "Aren't you supposed to be a good boy?" I joked, he huffed and bumped my leg with his nose as if he was offended by my joke "Okay, you're a good boy! I was just teasing" I giggled and booped his nose, earning a deep 'woof' from him

I chuckled as I saw his owner scanning the room until his eyes landed to me and his dog, I waved cheerfully over and he began to walk towards us, I stood up to greet him

"Hi, thanks for finding and taking care of this big bear" he smiled apologetically and knelt down, ruffling Kal's fur, the big floofy bear huffed "I'm sorry if he caused you any trouble" he added, standing back up

"Oh it's no problem! He actually came up to me all of a sudden, he nuzzled his nose into my leg while I was taking photos of my siblings" I grinned "And he's actually a good boy since he came up to me, we just explored the hotel for a bit before going in here twenty minutes ago, I ordered a simple chicken salad for the both of us" I smiled

"Is there anything I can get for you as a thank you for looking after Kal?" He offered

I was about to decline and tell him that Sofia and Andrés will need a ride back home when my phone beeped, it was Sofia

Sofia ✨🥰

Hey Cat! Andrés and I went home because I had a mother nature emergency, I hope you don't mind taking a cab home 🥺🩸
I'll make it up to you when you get home 🥺😘
Te quiero mucho 😘😘😘

"Is there something wrong?" Henry asks with concern, I internally blushed at his thoughtfulness

"There's actually something" I said shyly but cleared my throat "My sister had an emergency so she and her twin drove home and now I don't have a ride home, I would've taken a cab or uber but I forgot to bring extra cash, I spent it on the salad" I admited, blushing "It's okay if-" he cut me off

"Kal and I can drive you home" he offered "Consider it our way of saying thanks" he added with a smile as Kal barks in agreement

"Alright, how can I say no to this floofy bear?" I giggled as I ruffled Kal's fur, the big fluffy bear wags his tail happily

"You can't, I can speak from experience" Henry chuckles "Besides I want to get to know you and quite possibly be your friend" he says genuinely

I fought the urge to blush as the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach

He's just your celebrity crush Catalina, that's why you're feeling this way, nothing more” I thought in Spanish

"Do you often say that to other girls?" I joked

"Only to the one girl who found my dog" he teased "Shall we get out of here?" He asked

I nodded  "Lead the way" I smiled

"Of course, c'mon you big rascal" he motioned Kal to follow him as we headed for the exit and to Henry's car, thankfully little to no paparazzi were lurking beside the café

"Ladies first" Henry smiled as he opened the passenger seat's door of his car for me

Kal nudges me towards the car, surprising me a little "Someone's eager to take me home huh?" I teased as I got into the passenger seat

Henry chuckles at his dog's antics as Kal hopped onto the driver seat next to me "I've never seen him be close to someone outside of my family, he must like you a lot Catalina" he smiled as the big bear placed his head down my lap, I smiled and kissed the top of his head

"The feeling is mutual and I've always been an animal lover" I smiled back as Kal licked my nose

"Alright Kal it's time to go to the back seat, we're taking your new friend back to her home" Henry says to his dog as he opened the back seat door, Kal's ears perk up at the words “home” as he got off the driver seat and went to the spacious back seat happily

"Alright Kal it's time to go to the back seat, we're taking your new friend back to her home" Henry says to his dog as he opened the back seat door, Kal's ears perk up at the words “home” as he got off the driver seat and went to the spacious back...

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Me is very happ becauz Dada taking pwetty hooman home with us, me happily play with Kevin, my squeaky bear

"Having fun back there Kal?" Pwetty hooman asks with a smile

Dada takin you home with us! You his  gilfwen now” I  says “Me no like blondie witch, she mean” I adds and cuddled into Kevin, me likes her doggo tho, he my besh pwen other than Dada en Kevin

"That's Kevin, we take him anywhere we go" Dada says with a happ face "We're basically a three man crew" he jokes

“And pwetty hooman! Right Kevin? Me looked for her cause Dada always sad when he with blonde witch” Me boops Kevin's nose as I watch Dada and  pwetty hooman laugh and talk to themselves, me hope they marry soon like  Pongo en Perdita or  Roger en his mate from 101 Dalmatians

Me huffs as I yawn, closing my eyes to shleep with  Kevin, thimking very happ thought

My Dada found his mate and me luffs her already 💕

Excuse me while I melt with fluff 🥺

I hope you guys liked their meeting and Kal being a matchmaker for his dada 🥰


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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