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"Holy shit we're really here!" Sofia says excitedly, jumping up and down like a happy kid "This is the second best thing that's ever happened to me! The first being meeting Roman Reigns!" She added with a squeal "Let's take a picture Si!" She drags Andrés (who is just as excited) near a Batman v Superman statue

"I have an idea for a pose!" He suggested and as if she read his  mind, they posed like Batman and Superman getting ready to fight each other, making me chuckle at their geeky side

I like seeing my little siblings happy like this and despite being a little different, you could easily tell that they are twins

I grinned and took a few photos of them with every posters and statues while the venue becomes even more and more packed by the minute

"We better line up before-" I was cut off when I felt something nuzzle and whine against my leg, I turn to see a bear like dog looking at me with a soft whine

"Oh hey little guy, are you lost?" I crouched down and offered my hand, he sniffed it first before licking it affectionately as I looked for a tag or something to identify him

"Okay- holy crap it's Kal!" Sofia squealed, slightly scaring the dog as he hides further into me

"You're scaring him Sof!" I scolded her softly "It's okay baby boy... I'm here to help" I cooed then I turned to my siblings and stood up "You guys go to the line, I'll just have to find his owner" I handed the camera to Andrés before he and Sofia could say anything "Let's go find your owner Kal!" I say happily, which made the big and floofy dog wag his tail and bark happily as we began to look for his owner around the big venue

Little did I know that Kal and his owner were going to change my life forever in the best way possible

Little did I know that Kal and his owner were going to change my life forever in the best way possible

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"Should we tell her that Kal is Henry Cavill's dog?" Andrés asked as we walked towards our seats for the panel

"Knowing her, she's not gonna freak out as mama and I would" I giggled "She would just be happy to return Kal to Henry" I added

"Cat is too good for this world, that's why people like Enrique take her for granted" he spat, rolling his eyes at the mention of Catalina's ex husband

*July of 2016*

"You married him?! Cat, please tell me this is some kind of sick joke?!" I pleaded "Papi doesn't like him and Andrés hates his guts! I get that you love him but it's not enough!" I explained and soothed my crying sister who just found out that Enrique had been cheating on her for over a year with different women, the most recent being 8 weeks after their whirlwind wedding in Vegas

"Please don't tell them..." She pleads, still crying "I don't want them to think that I'm a disappointment" she sniffles "I already filed for divorce but I'm scared Sofi..." she whispered and I pulled her close to me for a hug

"They won't be disappointed in you Cat, we love you! And I'll be with you every step of the way... You'd do the same for me if I was in your shoes"  I smiled sweetly and kissed her forehead "I promise to not tell them but you need to tell them yourself soon" I said, caressing her hair

She nods"I promise"  she looked up at me "I love you Sofia" she smiled and snuggled up into me

"Ditto, now are we going to watch the 2016 draft now?" I giggled as we both watched WWE for the rest of the night

*Flashback end*

"She'll find someone who'll treat her like the queen that she is" I smiled as we took our seats

Hopefully sooner rather than later...

Hopefully sooner rather than later

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"What do you mean he ran off?" I said worriedly to one of the staff who informed me that Kal had ran off to god knows where in this huge venue

"I'm sorry Mr. Cavill but he just ran out of your dressing room" she smiled apologetically

"I only have a few minutes til I go live" I sighed, rubbing my temple softly

Now I really wanted to ditch this convention and look for Kal...

But my management will go ballistic by it if I leave unannounced and would set another date with Natalie as punishment

I took a deep breath and gave the staff member an assuring smile " I'll help look for him after the meet and greet" I say

Little did I know, the person who found my dog will change my life in the best way possible

Little did I know, the person who found my dog will change my life in the best way possible

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A/N: let's thank Kal for causing their future meet cute ❤️😂

What do y'all think of this chapter hm?

-sofia 💗

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