Chapter One

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Try this out. Sorry if you cry, I know I did. I had to get tissues while I was writing it. Have fun reading it my lovely readers.

Chapter One: Someone Please Save Me.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

I sit in a corner of my cabin weeping. Weeping for everything and everyone. Weeping for how cruel the world and Fates are to me. Weeping because I have lost everything. My mother telling me that she is finally disowning me now that there are no more problems for me to deal with. My father disowning me because he no longer needs me for glory and a weapon for the gods. Catching Annabeth being with another guy in the woods. No one likes me, not even Chiron. Nico and Thalia are still my friends, but Nico hasn't been out of the Underworld for the past four months because he is working for his father. Thalia is busy running around with the remaining Hunters from the war and rebuilding their ranks. 

I've been in here weeping, cutting, starving, and dehydrating myself for the past two weeks, waiting just to die off. My heart aches for love and breaks every second because I will never receive or give it again. My eyes sting from crying so much, but I keep going because it hurts so much to be all alone. I never move from this spot and I sit in a vast pool of my own blood from the cuts that litter my arms and torso. 

Broken glass from the single window in the back of the cabin is scattered around me. The fountain is shattered from where I slammed my fists into it from my anger and sorrow and my Earthshaker powers. I still have all my powers because the sea still loves me whether or not Poseidon does. I ruined the camp and nobody can come near my cabin because I made huge gaps in the ground all around it. And that means I can't get out. The way I want it. I could get out by using the earth to launch myself, but I don't want to leave. 

I've heard Chiron yell across the span of the chasms to try and get me out. Piper can't charmspeak me out either. Every time someone gets to my door from building a bridge, I cause the earth to tremble and they run back. Then I destroy the bridge by making the gaps bigger. 

Blackjack sits in the other corner of my cabin watching over me and staring at me sadly. He comes over when I fall asleep and makes me lay against him, but he goes away so I can grieve in peace while he watches when I wake up. 

"Why does it hurt so much Blackjack? Why can't it be over?" I sob out and he comes over. I let him lay me against him for once and he just lays there in silence for me. I'm grateful to my only friend in the camp. Porkpie and Guito died in the war with almost all the other pegasi. Blackjack and one other pegasus are all that's left. And he is suffering from PTSD. 

"Why can't I just die and go to the Underworld? I could see people who I miss so much and apologize. Maybe even befriend them again. I just don't care anymore buddy. I've tried everything other than directly stabbing my heart to die. But I can't." I cry into his side. 

'I think it's your fatal flaw bud. The atmosphere of the cabin heals you too. I hate that sea god with all my heart for letting this happen to you and being one of the causes for it. My stallion heart is loyal to you and you alone, I'll be here for you no matter what because you are like a brother to me and are my only best friend.' Blackjack nuzzles my head and I stroke his mane. 

"Do you want to go exploring and donut binging one last time?" I whisper and he whinnies fiercely. 

'For old times sake boss. I'm with ya 'til the end.' Blackjack helps me up. 

His head is under my arm and he gets me to the hole in the wall that I call a door. I made it so he could get through easily. He helps me through the opening and people shout and point at me. I hop up onto Blackjack's back and he takes off before they can get across the newly built bridge to my cabin. 

'Where to boss?' 

'Anywhere you want Blackjack. Just not New York please.' 

'You got it. Donuts in the next nearest town here we come.' 

Blackjack picks up speed and I watch as the sea goes away and we fly over forested lands. 

After watching things blow past us for a long while, Blackjack comes to a stop. I hop off and clean myself up. I pull down my sleeves and grip them in my fists. I look so unhealthy people would probably report a kid in need of medical attention, but I'm on a field trip for donuts before I find Blackjack a better home and die. I pet his mane. 

"I'll be right back with as many donuts as I can buy." I hug him and he nudges me towards the entrance of the wide alley he landed in. 

It takes me a matter of ten minutes to get eleven boxes of donuts with twenty donuts each. Blackjack landed right across from the store. 

We sit in the alley and I lean against him as we enjoy the fattening treats. I eat slowly while Blackjack devours box after box. He has ate ten of the boxes and half of the eleventh one while I finish off the other half. And they were really big donuts too. 

'What place do you want to see before you go boss?' Blackjack asks me sadly. 

'New Rome, my friend. I want to see the beauty of the legion one last time. Can you take me? For my last request as a dying man?' I answer him contentedly. 

'You bet and I'll make sure no one tries to save you when we get there.' Blackjack promises. 

'Thank you. You're the best pegasus, friend, brother, and warrior anyone could ever wish for or have. I'll miss you the most my friend.' I tell him happily. 

'I know boss. I know. It just breaks my heart to see you like this and know what you want more than anything can't be given because it's been taken away from you. I am so sorry I can't do anything more for you than grant your last and greatest wish and I'm honored to help you fulfill it.' He tells me in a broken voice as we take off for the last time. 

We land and irony just loves me. Frank and Hazel guard the tunnels.

Well?.....Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. See ya again later my lovely readers!

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