Closer Than You Think

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm excited to say I've received some great support for this fun series. Thank you all for always being so sweet and receptive to my work everyone! I also have a Tumblr that I post Weak Hero drawings, edits, memes, and writing for. If you're interested, please check me out here! >> << Thanks again, and enjoy the chapter!


"Oh my gosh!" A waitress exclaims as you throw yourself through the double doors.

Customers stare at you bug-eyed. You don't care because you're trying to breathe and your lungs are on fire, your legs are on fire, everything is on FIRE.

You lean against the cash register, panting heavily. Other waitresses scramble to peek at you with hushed whispers, clutching laminated menus to their chests. One with red hair pulled into a ponytail approaches you wearily, careful to keep a distance.

"Uhm, hi! Is everything alright?"

God, no. Tonight was a nightmare and a half. You'd gotten harassed by a group of teenage wannabe thugs, watched them get beat by an actual thug, and almost caught a whooping yourself. Not only this, but now you've lost your map.

The waitresses really don't get paid enough to deal with a sweating, shaking lunatic at the front desk, so you decide to ask for directions and just go home.

"I'm..." You wheeze. "I'm sorry. Could I get some directions to the apartment complex over by..." You take one last inhale and stand upright. "Uhm, over by... There?" You gesture towards one general direction.

They're very confused.

Thankfully, most of the customers have gone back to their meals. Following in suit, the waitresses break away and return to their work, but the redhead in the ponytail cocks her head at you.

"Oh! Directions, I can give you those! Are you new here?"

You nod your head, still a bit out of breath. "That obvious?"

She smiles and places the menu on the desk. "Long night? Yeongdeungpo can be a little intimidating for newbies."

You laugh and shake your head, "Just a little, huh?" You notice a name badge on her chest reading "Raine."

Raine chuckles at you and pulls out a notepad and a red pen from behind the counter, quickly scribbling a little map on the blank sheet. "So, do you know what streets the apartment is on?"

"Oh yeah. It's right around here, I think." You point at the little intersection between a park and a high school. "I remember the park right by the compex."

She hesitates a bit. "Oh, here? Alright then...." What was that about? Well, whatever. You're not in the mood for any more drama so you keep your lips sealed. She puts a little star where your finger was and a circle by the bottom corner of the map, connecting the two with a line.

Raine peels the sticky note from the pad and hands it to you with a sweet smile. "I've circled where we are right now, and starred the building you want to get to. Just follow the path I drew out and you should be there in no time at all!"

You accept the note with a sigh of relief. "You have no idea how much trouble you just saved me. Thank you so much Raine."

She giggles and it sounds like chiming bells. "No problem at all! Good luck getting to your destination."

You wave goodbye and look both ways before exiting the building, fearful of any purple-haired psychos that may have followed you. Luckily, there are none.

When you finally make it to your apartment complex, you nearly fall onto your knees sobbing and kissing the floor. Victory has never tasted so sweet, safe, and far away from wherever the fuck you were dragged today.

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