Chapter 14

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"I would really appreciate if you stop pulling my hair." I say.

"I would really appreciate if you stopped complaining and stopped moving." Mar says as she gets another piece of hair to curl.

"I'm not moving." I argue back and continue to finish my make up.

"Ok done." She says as the does some last minute fixing to my hair who falls to the sides of my face with some big curls almost looking just wavy. Mu make up is done as well.

"You look beautiful Hope." She says and I smile. I see the door of my room open and Diego walks in.

"I heard your dress was here."

"Oh oh I'll go get it." Mar says before springing out the room.

"You look good." Diego says.

"Thank you. Please don't forget what you have to do tonight. I will try to keep Tom away as much as I can." I say as Diego rests on my vanity. "You'll have alone time with Mariana ehh." I say in a playful tone. "Don't let that distract you ok?"

"I can't promise you anything. It's already hard to concentrate when she's around." He says and my heart aches for him. When will he come clean with his feelings towards Mar?

"It's here!" She storms in to the room. "Out out Diego, I want to see her in it already." She says practically dragging Diego out.

I put on the dress and immediately love it. It is a long sleeve silk emerald green gown with a open leg on the right side. This time I didn't pick my dress, Tom did. And he did good because this is a beautiful gown and the color makes my green eyes pop out more.

"Oh Hope its gorgeous. You are stunning." She says before giving me a hug. "Ok let's go because Tom is already waiting." She says and I pick up my bag before exiting my room. We walk to the living room where Tom l, Diego, and Harrison are waiting. I am met with a smile from Diego and Harrison and a surprised face from Tom. Can't tell you if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Wow rubia," Diego says walking up to meet me. "You are beautiful, you really are."

"Thank you." I say. Normally, I blush with complements. But this is Diego, he has been complementing me my entire life, 70% of the time, just to make me feel good because he's that good of a friend.

"We should go. It's getting late." Tom says.

"Ok, I'll see you guys later. If you guys need anything.."

"Just ask.." Mar cuts me off. "Don't worry about us, you have fun. Not too much fun though." She says and winks.

"Mariana!" I say and she laughs.

I walk away feeling my face red. I look up to Harrison who's smiling and Tom who is blushing too. Gosh this is embarrassing.

"Let's go." I say meeting Tom and he nods. We walk towards an SUV waiting for us at the entrance. He opens the door for me and I jump in the car. He closes the door and goes around. From the pocket behind the drivers seat, he pulls out a cloth bag and turn to me. I see it in his hand and look up to face him.

"Tom, my make up." I say quickly.

"I know and I'm sorry." He says getting closer to put it above my head. Freaking great, now I won't be able to see anything. But why am i surprised? I had to wear it the night i went to the club too, why did I think this time it would be any different? I feel Tom trying to reach out for my belt and I push his hand away to do it myself. I am annoyed and I have to let it be known. I can hear him move to his sit back to his spot and his belt click right before the vehicle starts moving. About 46 minutes pass and Tom tells me we finally arrive.

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