Chapter 2

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Smith: "and sign here" she said pointing at the last part

Y/N: I groan as I sign the document and slam my head on the table "I hate paperwork" I whine

Smith: smirks "and remember you can't hurt Andrius or any other demi-humans"

Y/N: "Kuroko I know" I groan "and they can't hurt us or they get deported, I know" I whine with my head still on the table

Smith: "well I best be going I've got work to do" she says giving me a hug and leaving

Y/N: "enjoy being lazy sis" I laugh

I go into the living room to see Andrius half way through the book

Y/N: "Andrius I'm gonna go in the garden, make yourself at home and your room is upstairs second door on the right, mine is across from yours if you need anything just knock or shout" I say picking up my watering can

Andrius: "why did you accept me?" She asks curiously

Y/N: "why not" I say with a smile

Andrius: "I'm a banshee we're known for bringing misfortune and we speak with spirits and I'm not exactly normal, I'm a spirit who's skin is ice cold" she says looking at me

I sigh putting my can down and kneeling down infront of her staring at her gray eyes

Y/N: "I'm not like most people, what I see is a beautiful woman in need of a home, I don't see a banshee I just see a girl who needed someone to accept who and what she is and I do, I don't care about your skin being gray or being ice cold" I stand up with a smile "I prefer the cold anyway"

Andrius pulls me down into a hug and I hear her sniffle while hugging my chest, I shiver a little with her cold skin but I wrap my arms round her

Y/N: "there there everything's gonna be fine" I separate from the hug "I'm gonna finish in the garden then make some lunch then I've gotta get ready for work" my phone vibrate as I pull it out "never mind turns out I don't need the job apparently the government pays me and covers everything"

I call my boss as they answer I hear a happy voice of polt

Polt: "harmony gym can I help you" she says cheerfully

Y/N: "hey polt its Y/N"

Polt: "hi Y/N" She says happily "whats up"

Y/N: "I'm just letting you know I've become a host so I have to look after my girl so I won't be able to work"

Polt: "oh thats ok can you promise you'll visit me" she says then gasps "I mean visit the gym" she stutters

Y/N: I chuckle "oh course i will, well I have things to do and your probably busy so I'll see you later"

Polt: "ok Y/N bye don't forget to visit" she says happily as she hangs up

I sigh as I put my phone in my pocket and stretch hearing a pop in my back

Y/N: "welp I best get dinner started"

I go into the kitchen humming a song as I pull out the ingredients, while cooking I notice Andrius watching me but I don't say anything and continue to cook

After cooking for an hour I hear a knock at the door

Y/N: "Andrius could you get that please" I ask pulling plates out setting up the table

Andrius nods and goes to the front door as I hear someone shout then a scream causing me to cover my ears as I rush to the door to see Mark on the floor holding his ears

Y/N: I grab Andrius shoulder as a little blood comes out my ears "Andrius! Stop!" I shout

Andrius looks at me and calms down before hugging me apologising

Y/N: "it's fine" I shout cause I can't hear much with my ears ringing "Mark what you doing here"

Mark: "what"

Y/N: "What! Are! You! Doing! Here!" I shout

Mark: "I thought I'd come chill till I saw the hottie here" he says

I don't hear him but Andrius glares at him causing me to know he tried or said something perverted

Y/N: I clean the blood out my ears and able to hear a little better "you did something stupid didn't you" I said with a deadpanned look

Mark: "what"

I sigh as I shake my head and look at Andrius

Y/N: "Andrius this is a friend of mine from college" I sigh again "he's a bit of a pervert but he's nice guy once you look past that crap"

Andrius: crosses her arm "I'm off to read keep that mortal away from me" she says glaring at Mark as she walks away

Mark: "She digs me" he says with a cocky grin

Y/N: "your lucky I don't beat you" I groan "anyway come in and stay away from Andrius"

Mark: "oooooh I see now" he says with a grin

Y/N: "whats with the stupid grin"

Mark: "You lied saying you weren't gonna sign up but you did and got a hottie" he says

Andrius appears but she looks terrifyingly

She screeches at us before going back to her normal form while Mark has passed out and I'm physically shaking

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She screeches at us before going back to her normal form while Mark has passed out and I'm physically shaking

Y/N: "I need new pants" I say to myself running passed her to my room slamming and locking it shaking against the door

I hear a soft knock that makes me jump

Y/N: "w-whos t-t-there" I say scared

Smith: "Y/N it's me"

I sigh and open the door as it wasnt kuroko it was Andrius I go to slam the door but she grabs it holding it open so I run to my window but she grabs me pulling me into a hug as I struggle panicking

Andrius: "shh, shh it's okay Y/N" She says stroking my back "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" she says as I slowly calm down "but he made me mad saying those perverted things and I kinda lost it, I'm sorry please don't leave me" she says clinging to me "my sweet" she coos As I fall asleep in her arms

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