Chapter 24

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*two and a half years later*

Meredith walked up to Derek on the sofa and bluntly said, "I scheduled an appointment for your vasectomy tomorrow. Then I'm getting my tubes tied right after the baby is born."

"My what?" Derek yelled in horror.

"Derek, I am pregnant with our sixth kid! Six! No more. I can not have seven kids. So either you go get fixed or I'll do it myself in your sleep." Meredith respond.

"But what if we end up wanting another?" He asked.

"If I ever want another just take a shotgun and shoot me through the head," Meredith said dryly.

"I think you're being rash about this," Derek said.

"I think this is my fifth pregnancy. I've spent over three years of my life being pregnant? Have you spent over three years of your life being pregnant? No. So don't try and tell me when I'm being rash." Meredith snapped.

"How about we just use condoms?" Derek asked.

"We've had five accidental children. We are not good at condoms." Meredith said. "If you want to find a way to carry our child we can have another but until that happens, no more kids!"

"Fine." Derek pouted, got up, and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Meredith called after him.

"I'm going to go spend time with our children so I can appreciate them since I'm only getting one more," Derek responded.

"We have six! You are being ridiculous!" Meredith yelled. 

(Okay. I'm officially done giving them children.)

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