32| A probable farewell

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Leads after leads, we kept following every clue to Hydra and where the Tessaract was.

Sometimes we did find some good clues, and the others not so much.

And one fine day we did.

We infiltrated one of the last known Hydra bases and found plans to where the Tessaract could possibly be next.

Finally a good lead. They were moving it to a base underground in 6 days.

Now I know I should be happy we found leads.

Loki can finally go back to the ship and I get to go home.

But did I want that to happen?

Of course not!

I'm in the MCU! And as much as I miss it back home , I truly don't want to leave. It isn't often that you come to the MCU. This was the best experience I have ever had in my entire life!

How often do you come to your most favourite universe?

You know that moment when you are reading or watching a movie or a show and it suddenly strikes you that it's coming to an end.

That moment when you realise you are at the last few pages or the last few minutes or last few episodes.

And you realise that this is probably the last time you see your most favourite characters.

The last time you see them laugh or cry or have fun or see them fight against the villain or anything.

And even if they don't die, it feels like they did.

Knowing that it's the end of a beautiful journey. And that pain in your heart.

And the realisation that you will never again be able to watch or read it again for the first time. Never relive the moments for the first time.

I felt all of that. Except this was in real life. They weren't frictional.

Saying goodbye was near.

I knew that.

I hated it.
Now this sounds weird.

I wrote letters to the three of them.

I mean come on! What if i couldn't say a proper goodbye?

There is a small vent behind my desk and that's where i have hid a few knives of mine, just incase.

i took a small box, one that perfectly fits in the vent.

I kept the letters in also three wrapped gifts.

A pre-wedding gift for Tony and Pepper pictures of them that i took in an album.

A bracelet that had a sparrow for Peter.

And another bracelet with a snake pendant that is wrapped around a small knife that comes out when you pull it for Loki.

I kept the box in the vent and pushed the desk.


Tony had got more leads.

Apparently Hydra were going to open another portal again. Except this time things are worse.

If things go wrong the Tesseract could explode and take out the whole city. Hundreds would die. Not that Hydra would give a shit.

Nick had made it the top priority to make sure that we stopped it. We had a new mission.

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