31| Sorcerer Supreme

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Tony, Loki, Peter and I were playing Monopoly.

And believe it or not Loki and Tony weren't trying to rip each other's head off.

"And you're in jail muhahaha" I said mimicking an evil laugh

"God dammit" Tony said

Peter rolled the dice and landed on Loki's property

"Pay up Parker-" And before he could finish a woosh sound interrupted him.

We turned around to see a golden circle like thing.

"Oh shit" Loki swore

And then a man with a red cloak walked in.

"Well well well if it isn't the Sorcerer Supreme of the Mystic Arts himself" I said

"Hello" he said greetings us.

"Oh great it's you again" Loki said

"I'm sorry who the heck are you?" Tony asked

"Oh my gosh is he like a magician?!" Peter asked "Peter by the way"

"Doctor strange" he said

"Oh we're using made up names, I'm Spiderman then." Peter replied

I don't know why but I had a really strong sense of Deja Vu.

"You know what funny I was expecting you to come and meet me, I was waiting for you to be honesty-" and he just ignored me and walked to Loki

"Oh you've got to be shitting me" I said

"You are a threat and last time I sent you back why are you here again" Strange said to Loki

"And here I thought that you were here to talk to the being who is literally from another earth." I said.

"I'm sorry what?" Strange asked

"I'm from another earth? How did you not sense me?" I asked

"Another earth? Wait I thought the Avengers were supposed to be an elite team of superheroes so why is she here" Strange said

"Well someone got up on the wrong side of the bed" I said

"You claim to be from another universe? Like you said, I would have sensed you" he said

"Well clearly you didn't" I said

"Hold up. There are people who know about multiverses?!" Peter asked

"Yes" Strange and i said together

"So you're from another earth? What are you going to say next? That my life is a movie" Stranger said

We all looked at each other awkwardly

"Well yes."

"Oh,you're serious?" Strange asked "well fine let me test you"

"Oh try me Beyonce" I said quoting him. He brushed it off.

"Tell me something only i would know" he said

"Dormammu I have come to bargain" I said

"Okay then" he said totally convinced. And then he headed to Loki again

"I'm sorry are we going to completely ignore the fact that he believed you just like that? What the hell is Dormammu anyways?" Tony said

"What is it that you need now Loki? The sooner we get it done the sooner I can send you back" Strange said

"You want to go again sorcerer" Loki said pulling out his knives.

"WHOA everyone calm down, chill the F out. Why don't we all handle this like actual adults? Loki kindly put the knives back and Strange let me explain." I said

Loki put his knives back and Strange backed away.

"Honestly I don't know why you see Loki as a threat, I'm literally from another universe. Am I not like disturbing the balance of life or something?" I asked

"It doesn't work that way um.....I didn't really catch your name" Strange said

"Zenaida Alistare. But feel free to call me Zen." I said shaking his hands.

"Well I can assure you that Loki is no threat. I mean he was part of saving us from his evil sister Hela. And he is here in peace." I said

"So you just let him stay here" then he looked at the monopoly board " playing Monopoly?"

"Why yes"

"And you trust him?" Strange asked

"Ya no shit Sherlock, if we didn't trust him he'd be in a cell right now" Tony said to Strange.

Did you all witness the same masterpiece that I did?

My brain couldn't process what just happened. I tried to control it but I couldn't.

"You are making the face again" Peter whispered said referring to my 'holy-shit-he-just-made-a-crazy-reference' face

"People don't change" Strange said

"Oh ya you went from a great neurosurgeon,one with a really high ego might I add to a Sorcerer Supreme of the Mystic Arts with much less ego." I said

"I didn't have a 'really high ego' " He said

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

"Okay maybe a little" he replied admitting defeat "but that is not the point"

"That's exactly the point" I said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but my curiosity is killing me Zen. Why did you make the face when Mr.Stark said 'No shit Sherlock'" Peter asked

"The face? What do you mean" Tony asked.

"The 'someone-made-a-reference-that-I-understood' face" Peter said

"Well it's ironic when Tony said to Strange 'no shit Sherlock' because back on my earth the actor who plays as you" I said pointing at Tony.  "Robert Downey Jr, and who plays as you" I said pointing to Strange "Benedict Cumberbatch both played as Sherlock Holmes" I said.

"Oh that is ironic" Peter said

"I played as Sherlock?" Tony and Strange said in unison

I nodded

"Your earth just keeps getting weirder day by day" Tony said.

"Okay back to the topic. Loki is not a threat Stephen. .And like i said he comes here in peace and I can promise you he is not going to cause any trouble" I said.

Strange sighed and finally agreed to let Loki stay for a while.

Strange stayed around for sometime, Tony and him were talking about something while Peter,Loki and I finished the Monopoly.

"I must be on my way now" Strange said "Protecting the earth and all" he said

"Show off" I said smiling "let me walk you out"

He greeted them goodbye.

"So according to Tony you know what happens in the future, or at least you should know" Strange said.

"Yes, but I can't seem to remember" I said

"You know I could try to put your memories back." Strange said

"Thank you, but it's best if i don't. If i do remember i'm afraid i might accidentally blurt it out. And it's best not to know what happens." I said.

"As you wish" he said.

While we were talking the Cloak of Levitation floated towards me.

"Seems like it likes you" Strange

"Well I am very likeable." i said and we laughed

 "It was nice to meet you Zen" he said "Also i did not have a 'really big ego' "

"Ha ha sure" i said sarcastically 

"Try me Beyonce" he said disappearing into the other side of the portal

"See you soon wizard." 

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