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i did love you. i loved you so much i couldn't breathe. you consumed my entire being, and thats why i let you treat me the way you did. i don't know what you got out of destroying me time after time, but i hope you don't put anyone else through that. i waited for you. i gave you chance after chance and i left you with every last goddamn thing i had. and you took it all without a care in the world. i tried to hang on, because i thought you were worth it. but one day i just stopped waiting. i didn't want to hear "i miss you" anymore. although i hope you fuxking miss me. once i would have given my last breath for you to say that. i hope you see me so fuxking happy that i look like i'm about to explode, and i hope it kills you. i hope you drop to the floor and feel like the breath is being sucked out of you and you realise what you gave up. because i gave you the world and i kept fighting long after i should have stopped. you don't deserve that. fuxk you.

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