Chapter 9 ~ Shopping

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"Oh hey Alice," Oriana replied

"I know you don't go to school, but I was wondering. Do you want to come to the prom with us? You can come as like an exchange student." Alice told her.

"Yea sure, I mean I don't have anything to wear but, sure," She replied.

"Great! C'mon!"

"What? Like right now?"

"No of course not! We're going shopping!"

"Oh! Um sure let's go," she told her.


"Which shop first?" Alice asked her.

"Um, I guess that one," Oriana replied. "I don't really shop at all."

"You what!?" Alice said surprised. "That is going to have to change immediately! Come on let's find you something you like."

Alice took Oriana by the hand and led her inside each store until she found the perfect outfit for her.

"You look stunning!" Alice told her.

"I'm glad you found the perfect outfit."

"And I'm glad you took me shopping. I never realized how nice it feels to go with someone who takes the time and cares."

"Awww, it was nothing really. Just ask and I'll make arrangements." Alice told her which made her feel welcome to their family.

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