The day I met Sunny, part 1

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It was 3 years ago when I was a young but reckless peashooter, I was running through a field and tripped on something. I fell over and hit one of my roots on a stone. (One of my legs in case you're wondering) I was still young for a plant, and it hurt quite a lot, but I was over all ok. But I did, however, find it difficult to stand up. Every time I tried to get up, my root hurt a ton. Eventually I gave up and called for assistance. But after calling for help for several minutes, I felt like it be the end of me... but suddenly, I heard someone ask if I was ok. I looked behind me and came face to face with an angel of a plant. She was a sunflower.

"Not really..." I said, sounding like I was in a dream. "What's the matter?" The sunflower asked me, obviously concerned. "Well, I was running through this field, when I tripped over something, and hit one of my roots on a rock." I told her. "Oh ok. Here, maybe this will help!" She said cheerfully. She then fired some sort of ray at me, I got worried about what the ray did... but when it hit my root, I was overcome with a relaxing sensation, and I let out a happy sigh. The sunflower giggled and said, "Is that nice? Hehe." "Yep..." I said, feeling the most relaxed I have ever been. "There you go all better!" She cheered. I then looked at my root in disbelief, it was better. "How did you do that?!" I said, bewildered. "Well, sunflowers have the power to heal Injured plants." She explained. "They also have the power to be beautiful" I said, with a smile. And she started giggling.

"What's your name?" The sunflower asked, once she stopped giggling. "My name is Peater." I introduced myself as. "My name's Sunny!" She introduced herself as. "This might sound odd but, you have a cute name." I said. She didn't say anything, but Sunny did blush. And I tried to hold it in, but I started giggling. "Do you have a crush on me even know we just met?" I said, giggling. "Hey, don't tease me!" She said, blushing more. This only made me giggle even more. "STOP GIGGLING AT MEEE!" Sunny complained. "You're making me giggle, so you stop!" I said, struggling to breathe. "Fine but stop teasing me then!" Sunny told me. "O-ok then..." I said, recovering from my laughter. "Don't you know something important you need to know Peater?" Sunny asked me. "No...?" I said, confused. "In this world..." She began. I just waited for her to finish. "IT'S TICKLE OR BE TICKLED!!!" She giggled. "No thank you!" I said as I started to run but Sunny just grabbed one of my roots and started tickling it. I then instantly collapsed and went bright red in my cheeks. "Looks like someone obviously ticklish." Sunny teased. I didn't say anything, but I did start crying. Sunny then instantly stopped tickling me. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" She said, looking like she did a horrible thing to me. "I'm not crying because I'm sad Sunny, I'm crying because IT TICKLED SO PLEASE KEEP TICKLING ME!" I said, sounding like I just saw the cutest thing ever. She then giggled. "Hehe, ok then Peater, but just to let you know..." Sunny said. "Umm what's that?" I asked. "My friends gave me a nickname." She told me. "What's the nickname?" I asked. "My friends call me the TICKLE MONSTER!" She giggled, Launching the biggest tickle Attack my underarms had ever fallen victim to at the time. But by some miracle, I managed not to burst into Laughter for 3 whole seconds. But eventually. I broke and the laughter came spilling out of my mouth. "OH MY GHOD WHIY DOSE IHIT TICKLE SHOHOO MUHUHUCH HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I squealed trying my best to breathe. "Hehehe who's the most ticklish peashooter I've ever met?" Sunny teased. "MEEEHEHEHEHEHE!!" I giggled. Eventually she stopped tickling me and let me breathe. "No wonder you're called the tickle monster hehehe." I said, still giggling. "Well, I was just tickling you a little bit, and that much laughter came out of you?" Sunny said, with a mischievous smile on her face. "W-what A LITTLE BIT?!" I said, absolutely terrified. "Hehe don't worry, I won't tickle you anymore." She told me. "Thank gnomes for that." I said with a sigh of relief. "Well not until we end up in a public area hehehehe." Sunny giggled. "Sunny please don't embarrass me." I begged her. "Fine but I will tickle you more later!" She Warned me. "Aww not more..." I Moaned. "Don't moan or I'll tickle you now!" She said. "Ok but just promise me you will tell me before you go crazy with tickling me, ok?" I requested. "Ok I will." Sunny Agreed.

Peas and sunshine (a pvz peashooter X sunflower story)Where stories live. Discover now