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This is a story chapter but there was no good cover art.

I was reading a book I had called green hearts when I got a text message from Sunny on my phone. (Yes, they have phones shut up.) 'Peater can u come to the bedroom plz?' Sunny texted. 'Umm... Why?' I asked. 'Can u just come here?' Sunny replied. 'Fine I'm coming.' I said, heading to the bedroom. 'Thank u 💚' Sunny said, ending our chat for now.

"I'm here." I said from the other side of the door, not entering. "Can you come in then?" Sunny said, sounding like she was struggling. "Coming." I said, as I entered the room. I entered the bedroom and saw Sunny tangled up in a ton of ribbons. "Wha? How did this happen???" I asked and nearly bursting into laughter. "I'll explain later. Can you help me?" Sunny told me, trying to wiggle free. "Sunny don't wiggle a- hehehe around hehehehe." I said, giggling oddly.  "Okay... But why are you giggling? I mean it probably looks incredibly funny but you're giggling differently..." Sunny said, wondering why I was giggling like that. I just raised an eyebrow and gave her a dirty smile. "Don't you ****ing dare!" Sunny said, absolutely furious. "P-Please?" I asked, obviously not taking no for an answer. "NO MEANS NO!" Sunny yelled. "Sunny, I've been wanting to do this for over a year now. I know I was scared to ask you out on a date, but I was even more scared about wanting to do that with you. And this is my chance, Sunny. So please let me do it with you now and I'll never ask you to do it again if you don't want me to." I begged. "Peater..." Sunny began. "Yes?" I said, hoping she would say yes. "Go **** yourself, I'm done with you" Sunny said. This one sentence broke my heart. And I was in tears almost instantly. "W-W-What?!" I said, on the verge of crying. "You heard me, **** you." Sunny said, breaking my heart even more "J-Just consider yourself lucky that *Sniff* I'm not strangling you with those ribbons!" I said, as I ran out of the room.

Thomas and the gang had made plans to come visit me and Sunny. And when they knocked on the door, I opened the door ramming into everyone crying my heart out. "Hey, Peater, what's wrong?" Thomas asked me. I just grabbed the key to his house without him realising and ran. 'What happened to him? I've never seen him THAT sad. He even looks like he has depression...' Thomas thought, as he entered the house. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Chad called out. "I'm in here" Sunny called out from what used to me our shared bedroom. The gang then went to "our" bedroom to see Sunny like how she was. "What happened here?" Chad asked. "Umm... I'll explain that later..." Sunny said. "Why was Peater crying?" Thomas asked. "*Sigh* Let me explain..." Sunny said, as she started to explain why I was crying.


"YOU HAD TO BE THAT HARSH ON HIM?!" Everyone said after the whole story was explained. "Well, you know what he wanted to do." Sunny said, trying to defend her actions. "YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT YOU MIGHT DO IT WITH HIM LATER!!!" The gang scolded her. "HE'S ****ING DEPRESSED." Thomas yelled at Sunny. "I-I might never see my best friend the way he always is again now." He added, with a tear in his eye. "Why are you all shouting?" 9 asked as he came in, not knowing what happened. The group then explained to 9. "I-I hope he comes back home..." 9 said, now as sad as everyone except Sunny. "And if he does... I want you gone Sunny!" 9 said, before leaving to look for me "PEATER COME BACK PLEASE!!" 9 yelled. "We should look for him as well." Hank said. "Everyone except Sunny." He added. "Wait... Where's the key to my house?!" Thomas asked. Then they realised I ran to his house. "We should start there." Henry said. 

Thomas' house was about 10 minutes away from mine. So, it wasn't too long until they got there. "Peater where are you?!" Thomas called, when they entered. They didn't hear me respond to them, but they heard me crying in the extra bedroom, I was cuddling a pillow. "Peater are you alright?" Thomas asked. I just kept on crying. "Peater please stop crying, it's ok I'm here for you if you need me." Thomas said, hoping for me to open up to him. "T-Thomas...?" I said, in a weak voice. "Hey Peater. Are you ok? Cuz, you loo-" Thomas began to say. "WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!" I cried, collapsing into his arms, crying my heart out. "Hey hey it's ok, it's ok." Thomas said. "W-W-Why does this sort of stuff happen to me?!" I cried. "It's ok Peater you don't need to worry about Sunny. This can be a fresh start for you." Thomas said, trying his best to cheer me up. "*Sniff* B-But I don't want a fresh s-start. I just want her to stay with me!" I said, now crying even harder. So, without me knowing, Thomas pulled out his phone and started recording us talking in a way so just our voices could be heard. "So why did Sunny give up on you in your mind, and how is it affecting you?" Thomas asked like my teachers from 9th grade. (IRL not story wise.) "W-Well *Sniff* I was jokingly asking her to have 'the thing' with me. But at the same time, I was kinda really asking to do it. A-And since the love of my life is gone, I just want to kill myself." I said. "Ok. how would you feel if Sunny heard that?" Thomas asked. "Well, I hope she feels bad now that I want to commit suicide!" I replied. Then Thomas stopped recording the chat. "Good cuz I'm sending this voice massage to her now if that's ok." Thomas said. "Please send it... I'm going home before I try to find some rope." I said, slowly walking home. As I left, he sent it to the flower of my past dreams.

20 minutes later I got home, walking at the pace of a basic zombie. When I opened the door, everyone asked how I was. "I'm just going to bed..." I said, shuffling upstairs. Then when I got up the stairs, everyone smiled, knowing what was in store for me. I opened the bedroom door and just fell onto the bed. "OWW!" I heard someone cry in pain. "Huh? W-Who's there?" I asked, worried. "Someone that has an apology to make." Sunny said. "S-SUNNY!" I cried, filled with tears. "I'm sorry Peater, I was angry, and you can see why you can't?" Sunny said. "Y-Yes..." I spoke. "But hey. That's in the past now. Come here and give me a hug." Sunny said, as she began to hug me. "T-Thank you Sunny." I said, joining in on the hug. "Just don't say that again ok or I will kill myself." I said. "Hey Peater..." Sunny began. "Yeah?" I asked. "How about we hav-" Sunny was about to say. "NONONONOTHAT'SWHATMADEYOUGIVEUPONME!" I said, really fast. "Are you sure????" Sunny said, sounding like me about 1 or 2 hours. "NO MEANS NO" I said, starting to wiggle away from her. "Peater don't wiggle a- hehehe away hehehehe." Sunny said, giggling oddly. "I said that! S-Stay away from me!" I said, trying to get her away from me.

So, I just tried my best not to let her get her leaves on me. Eventually she gave up and settled for a few cuddles. Soooo... Yeah that was our temporary break up. I know it was for about an hour or so, but for me it would feel like forever. So, see ya next time.

Peas and sunshine (a pvz peashooter X sunflower story)Where stories live. Discover now