Get out

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"Y/n. You owe me one." You could only smile, fist bumping your childhood friend. "I guess I do. I'll let you get back to your buisness." pointing towards Takemitchy who walked down a cornerway and hopping on your bike.

"Call me anytime Senju." Slipping your helmet on, you revved the engine twice before raising a hand a taking off through the night.

You never recalled the lights that illuminated the streets till now. The one memory where you felt free: riding down this road with Mikey.

The sense of reminess ran through your brain as you grinned. The splashing of cold water at the waterfront. And Mikey's bright smile.

Why hadn't anybody noticed before? That Mikey was just like the rest of you, that he wanted to be a kid too. The weight had all gone to him.

Your smile faded as you remembered some of Mikey's words. "Sometimes on Wednesdays, I come to this waterfront. I can feel Baji and my brother here with me, and we usually talk all night long."

Nothing could stop the loud screech from the motorcycles tires as you turned around, almost flying past all of the other vehicles along the highway.

Left and right, dodging cars and semi-trucks before taking an exit. The same route you had gone on with Mikey. As you slowed down your speed letting your engines rumbling finally fill your senses.

Using one hand, you took of your helmet. Your hair finally free and the wind pushing it in any direction it pleased.

The helmet was placed inbetween your thighs as you sped past even more cars. The last tunnel came into view as lights surrounded the closed off bridge.

You turned to the parking lot, turning off the engine and shoving your keys into your pocket. Someone had to try and get through to him.

Someone needed to help Mikey. You ran up the steps walking past the chilly river breeze squeezing the shoulders of Baji's old Toman jacket.

The atmosphere was silent, and only three people were in sight. Another figure was finally seen propped a top of the metal bars.

Your heart was basically jumping from your chest. What would happen? Walking past the couple beside you, you took three deep breaths standing behind Mikey and then hopping on the bars as well.

"Its friggin cold out here. You better have a reason for coming." His words shocked you as you stared. 'Why was he acting normal?'
Well as normal as someone who lost everything could be.

"I..don't have one. I just figured you'd be here." You confessed looking at the reflected Tokyo lights, the shapes of buildings made onto a wavy canvas over the glassy water.

"Does that mean you're done running away?" Answering his questions was probably the best way through this.

"..yes." your hands gripped around the bar before releasing it slightly. "How do I know your not lying?"

Looking down at your lap you smiled placing a hand on your head. "Because. I have something to come back to. It wasn't fair how I left."

Mikey still hadn't removed you, as the couple started to pass by. "Well of course. OH!" One accidentle shove from the old women sent you falling backwards towards the water.

"Y/n!" Mikey called out as he jumped after you. His hand touched yours, exactly what you were trying to avoid as a shock ran through your body.

"We're glad you could come."

Awakening from whatever that was, you looked over and around. 'What future is this?' you thought as you were handed a paper.

"Wake Cerimonial"

In the face of danger.. [Mikey x reader] Tokyo revengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now