Lets not play pretend

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"I didn't expect to be invited Chifuyu. It's just a friendly hangout.' Y/n spoke out loud towards her phone from her closet. "Then why can't I come?" She could hear the whine in his voice. "I could ask. It would be more fun with my best friend there." Thinking about it you placed another outfit in your f/c suitcase.

"I already packed." You couldn't help but smile at Chifuyu's usual acts. "Well the cars gonna be here in 20 minutes. Hurry and get here." The call ended and you finally zipped up your bag, bringing it to the front hall. DING DONG. They were finally here.

Opening the door, Chifuyu stood the both of you making eye contact before he held out his hand for the suitcase. "Mines already in the car." He explained as you handed the heavy luggage to him.

The car ride went by faster than you thought it was, considering all the fun you were having with Izunaki and Chifuyu. "We'll go to that club I told you about once we get settled in." Izunaki smiled pointing to her schedule.

"The one that's owned by your boyfriend?" Chifuyu asked. "Yeah, it's kind of my excuse to see him. I hope you don't mind." You and Chifuyu shook your heads no as she handed you a room key.

"So you can share with your boyfriend." She whispered, before walking down the hall. 'I..uh. Well we're sharing Fuyu." With no other choice he nodded as you opened the door.

It was nicely spaced with two rooms a bathroom and kitchen. "Wow. I guess being the secretary is big money." Chifuyu said, looking at everything he could touch. "Yeah. Probably a lot." Walking to the kitchen you glanced at the napkin prints.


"Hey Y/n look!" Chifuyu sat in an incline chair, his body vibrating from the apparent massage chair. You laughed going to sit on his lap as you both surprisingly fell asleep.

A knock came from the front door as you sat up and went to answer. "Are you two ready?" Izunaki stood out the door dressed and ready. You slapped your forehead, 'I completely forgot' "yeah just give us a few minutes." You answered rushing to wake up Chifuyu.

"Wake up. We gotta get ready." Chifuyu groaned standing up and stretching. "That's now?" You slapped his hand that was under his shirt as he smiled. "Aye aye captain." He joked walking to his room.


"I'm not sure, but have you two been to a club before?" Izunaki asked. "Yeah, plenty of times." Y/n answered. "Well great. Then you know how this goes." Y/n raised an eyebrow as she faced Izunaki.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, watching as Izunaki reached into the center console for a gun. She placed it face down towards Chifuyu and Y/n. "Your quite boring. I thought you'd be something special. You didn't even suspect me." Izunaki looked out the window then towards Chifuyu.

"Unless you did. And he's your bodyguard." Hearing this, you felt something unerving stretch through you gut. 'I this what happened in the future?' Watching you small thought process, Izunaki smirked.

"This is disappointing. How could Karosai love someone like you?" Chifuyu glanced at Izunaki but didn't say anything. "I don't know anybody by the name Karosai." Y/n said. Izunaki chuckled, cocking her black gun as she twisted on a silencer.

"Let's not play pretend. Why was it your name I heard? He moaned your exact name." Chifuyu gripped Y/n's hand. 'This isn't good.' He thought as Y/n stared in question. "Izunaki, I have absolutely no idea who this Karosai guy is." Izunaki laughed placing a hand over her eyes.

"Don't worry. You'll be seeing him now." The car came to a half Infront of the club. "Welcome to Tokyo Waterfront." Izunaki said as the door opened.


'Y/n!!' who's that? Why is everything blurry?


"Y/n, you ok?" Chifuyu asked, holding her. "Yeah. I'm fine." Glaring at Izunaki, Chifuyu got out standing next to Y/n, but soon they were both separated. He was taken by the two bodyguards and Y/n was charged in by Izunaki.

A bag covering her face as she was marched somewhere.


"You don't need a bag. You already figured it out." One bodyguard took off his mask. "You weren't supposed to do that Sanzu.", Sanzu shrugged his shoulders. "Guess I will too." Taking off his mask as well, Ran sighed.

"What does Mikey want with Y/n now?" Chifuyu asked. "Oh, this isn't Mikey. It's all Izunaki. Although, we wanted to see our little sister again as well." Ran answered pushing Chifuyu into a room.

"..Mikey?" This wasn't expected at all. "What are you doing here. Chifuyu?" Mikey turned from his spot facing a window as the front office door opened.


"Izunaki. I told you-" a gunshot rang out, as the floor near Mikey's foot had a bullet pierce through it. "Shut up." Izunaki said, shakily. Mikey looked down towards the bullet hole, and back towards Izunaki. "Why are you here?" Mikey asked, letting out a sigh. He took a step forward as Izunaki put the gun to Y/n's temple.

"Don't me close or I'll shoot!" Cocking the gun, Izunaki had a year stream down her cheek. Mikey was ready to take another step when- "Mikey No!" He turned to face Chifuyu once again. "She has Y/n!"

Mikey looked at Izunaki and the very still girl Infront of her. She didn't tremble or cry. She was just there. "Y/n?" Mikey asked as Izunaki pulled the bag from her head. As her eyes adjusted to the light. Y/n looked at Mikey and Chifuyu.


'Now I have something to come back too.'




"..Mikey?" Izunaki chuckled. "So your name was fake too?" She asked. Kicking Y/n down by her knees. "Izunaki..", Y/n began to speak. "I'm sorry." Izunaki held the gun to Y/n's temple as Y/n smiled. "Y/n!" Smiling towards Mikey, Y/n closed her eyes as Izunaki pulled the trigger.

In the face of danger.. [Mikey x reader] Tokyo revengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now