A Second chance (non continued)

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It had been three months since Takemitchy and Hina's wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if Y/n and Mikey were next. It made no difference to me, I love them all the same. God, I'm so pathetic. Kazutora was right. Even though we had just gotten into an argument over something stupid like cat food and words came out, he was right. I am Chifuyu Matsuno, the most pathetic living being on this vile Earth. And, I'm only this way because..

Chifuyu laid still on his bed staring out of his window. He watched raindrops fall down the glass, slow and steady, fast and jagged. It somehow calmed him to see it. "Baji-san...what do I do now?" He spoke to the air around him, the gas particles, and shapes of matter all around him, in hopes that Baji himself would hear.

It was no use, he wouldn't get any answer. He was all out of tears, so he couldn't curl up and cry, all he had left was the deep ache in his heart whenever those memories came to mind. Meow. Peke. J had leaped on top of him licking his paws and staring right back at the black haired boy.

"I got it. Your hungry right boy?" Chifuyu asked, sliding his legs out of his bed and sitting up. "I might go for a run today too, so be good." Chifuyu searched his bottom cabinets picking from the different bags of cat food. "Which one would he want today?" Chifuyu asked himself still rummaging around.

Meow. The tin cat bowl hit the back of Chifuyu's neck and he jumped up only to hit his head n the counter. "Ow.." He looked up at Peke. J, who looked as if he had been smirking at him. "You want to play a game? At seven in the morning?" Chifuyu finally decided to just grab a random bag and poured water for the cat.

Peke. J gracefully jumped from the counter, to the top of the trash can, and down to the floor. He reached his bowl of food, and Chifuyu started to pet him. As soon, as Peke. J seemed content, Chifuyu stood up ready to go for his jog.

Tap tap tap psssssssshhhhh

Singing in the shower wasn't anything new for Chifuyu as he grabbed his hair wash. All of his routines never came without a dull moment. He always felt like something was missing, but instead of being oblivious, and taken by surprise. He was in pain all over again. Because he knew what was missing.

And he'd never get it back.

"Alright, I'll be back by five!" Chifuyu called out, as he stepped out the door. It was the brisk of Fall. Lots of people were ready to celebrate Halloween, while Chifuyu tried to think back to the last Halloween he enjoyed.

A long past memory. "Oi, Chifuyu." Kazutora was walking down the street of his apartment his hair wasn't in its usual ponytail in the mornings. He said it was for 'an air dry' from his morning showers. Nothing more detailed than that.

Chifuyu thought he looked like Baji from afar. But, it was just in his imagination. "Kazutora-kun." Chifuyu answered fixing the back of his shoe, while Kazutora sighed. 'At least he acknowledged my existence this time'. Placing his arm over Chifuyu's shoulders, they continued on walking to their pet shop.

Down an open street, which Chifuyu used to appose and say was dangerous, but Kazutora pursuaded him with the next view. It was a lake, ducks swam on it every day at nine a.m. Another reason to be persistent about being on time.

Chifuyu loved seeing the ducks. They swam in formation following after their mother, and the way they all approached you when you handed them bread was beautiful. They even let him pet them sometimes.

Going this route with Kazutora, stopped being so scary after a while. "So, we all know Anyo-san will be coming at six, and that's our lunch break, so we'll close shop early for lunch, and then open it back up at four." Chifuyu's focus came back to Kazutora.

"Uh, yeah. But, my lunch breaks at three. That's a one hour lunch break. And I have to go across town to get it.." Chifuyu mumbled his last sentence, and Kazutora looked towards the road. "Then..eat lunch with me. If you eat lunch with me from one to three, we'll be perfectly fine."

Chifuyu wasn't fully against the idea. But, they had just got into an argument yesterday. And now he wants to have lunch. Together?
"What's the catch? One moment ago I was pathetic." They both crossed the street without a word, and Kazutora finally spoke again.

"Aren't we both pathetic?..", The pedestrian sign turned green, and Kazutora pulled Chifuyu over to the side. "Look, I only called you what I call myself. Now, that doesn't make up for it but, its the truth." Chifuyu brushed Kazutora's hands away crossing the street without him, leaving Kazutora to follow.

This is stupid. We're literally the same people.

Chifuyu made it inside the shop first placing his coat on their personal clothing rack, and then grabbing his apron. "Chifuyu-.." Kazutora seemed to be desperately reaching out to him, but Chifuyu held up his hand grabbing a mop and bucket walking out to the back.

Nothing can change..nothing can change. It was hard lying to himself, that Kazutora was becoming one of his closest friends. And, that he was started to like having him around.

In the face of danger.. [Mikey x reader] Tokyo revengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now