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All of the graduation day just went well, Even tho Beomgyu and Taehyun we're uncomfortable to each other Cause of that Scene on the Rooftop.

As Beomgyu promised It's the Day he will Leave Seoul For Long To Continue his Education On Business Management Degree, Cause He will the Next Heir Of their Company.

"Attention Flight on US are now Delayed for 1 Hour"A speaker said that we're heard by the people all around the Airport.

"Gosh We've been here for 5 hours now"Beomgyu said in Frustration"Chill Hyung It's not we are rushing??"Hueningkai said, Hueningkai is the Only one with Beomgyu at the moment he already said goodbye to his Parents Before they went on the Airport.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee I didn't get enough sleep last night"Beomgyu said as he Stood up and Hueningkai nodded and Wore his Headphones.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee I didn't get enough sleep last night"Beomgyu said as he Stood up and Hueningkai nodded and Wore his Headphones

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After Hueningkai Hid his Phone and Took out his Headphones He heard a Familiar Voice"Choi Beomgyu!!"All of the People around the Area Looked at the A Red Hair Boy looking at Beomgyu, That also Caught Beomgyu's Attention

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After Hueningkai Hid his Phone and Took out his Headphones He heard a Familiar Voice"Choi Beomgyu!!"All of the People around the Area Looked at the A Red Hair Boy looking at Beomgyu, That also Caught Beomgyu's Attention.

Beomgyu stood up as Taehyun went to him And Grabbed his Hands, Beomgyu we're shocked about the Red Head Sudden Reaction"How Did you know I was here-"Beomgyu asked.

"Ask Hueningkai"Beomgyu glared at Hueningkai as Hueningkai we're laughing.

"Hyung Hear me Out About What happened on the Rooftop Last time, I really meant it I was too Late To Realized my own feelings, Don't get me Wrong I really meant it if you still you kn-"Taehyun was cut out When Beomgyu shut his mouth.

"Did you really meant it?Yes or No?"Beomgyu asked As Taehyun we're about say a word, He was Interrupted When Beomgyu Connected their Lips For the 2nd Time, It feels like Deja Vu.

It happened again.

Taehyun closed his eyes and kissed back, Beomgyu caressed his Hand On Taehyun's Back,And Taehyun lay his on Beomgyu's Shoulder, While Their Lips we're connected for a long time People on the Area started Cheering on them, Beomgyu breaks the kiss and He chuckles.

"Hyung I Have One thing to Confess also"Taehyun said"Go on What is It?"Beomgyu replied.

"It's not the first time we shared a kiss, On the Night you we're drunk we shared our first kiss"Taehyun received a Chuckle From Beomgyu"I still remember that"

"Wait What??"Taehyun exclaimed.

"Ok Guys Are we Still Gonna Forget About the Flight?"Hueningkai Shouted, The Two Looked at Each other"Are you still Going?"Taehyun asked.

"I'm sorry But I Had to I already Fixed my Applications on US Are you ok with That?"Beomgyu asked"As long As we're together I'm ok with that Even tho You are Far Away"Taehyun said as he Winked.


"I'm not a Cheese??"Taehyun replied sarcastically.

"I'm not a Cheese??"Taehyun replied sarcastically

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