Prince- Squidward tentacles
Poet-Patrick star
Knight-SpongeBob SquarePants
Janitor-Eugene krabs
Scientist/Assasin-sandy cheeks
Royal maid- Squiches Millfenson(my OC)Character description:
Prince Squidward tentacles. 44 years old in this universe he is 27. Wearing a red cloak with cotton sides. He has a clarinet that his mother gave him, he feels slightly bored and his father told him to be like the other prince who acts mature on the throne he never wanted to be the prince he wishes to be free.
Knight SpongeBob knight armor. 35 years old and he is 21 in this universe. He acts childish sometimes when others joke, he acts mature when he was in a real battle, and gets angry when they made fun of his name or tease him. He's wearing chest armor and shoulder armor, and a scabbard on his left waist for his sword. And a blue cape to his back. Tho all we didn't know is he has another personality hidden under him but no one knows.
The poet Patrick poetry star. 37 years old and he is 24 in this universe. Patrick is less stupid at this point he learns to help people and write poets for others to make them confess their feelings to one another. He is wearing a poetry hat and a scroll to his waist. He is a brave poet in love with princess Mindy.
The janitor Eugene krabs. 78 years old in this universe he is 45. Eugene works as a janitor in the kingdom, he usually sometimes gets lucky when he finds a Nickle on the ground, he is wearing a cheapskate shirt and brown pants. He tried to sacrifice himself for his daughter's food and the money that he gave to her.
Princess Mindy. 23 years old. Princess Mindy is a smart and beautiful daughter, she was forced to marry prince Squidward but she refuses not to she preferred to be with Patrick but her father doesn't want to. She likes Patrick and everything from him. She's wearing glasses and a dress where princess wears.
The brilliant inventor and an assassin, Sandy cheeks. 36 years old and this universe she is 22. Sandy is a character where her dream is to become a successful and popular inventor in the world but she was still stuck on doing the hard job that she could get while inventing new things. She's wearing safety goggles and an apron for the ink and spills. She also was secretly hired as an assassin for having good paychecks.
The Royal maid Squiches Millfenson. 22 years old. She is an intelligent royal maid who cleans every particle in every room in the kingdom and respects the king and the prince. She has the power only able to breathe in air. She wears a maid outfit, she works there as a royal maid because she was pleased by her talents and ability trying her best to make her mom and dad proud and wishes she could meet her big sister again.
The villain ?? A very dark and powerful one she is the queen's dark soldier. No stats are unknown...
The evil queen...?????????? Clipped ending

Fanfiction-cover drawn by me Started: August 23, 2021 Once upon a time there was a gifted son who became a brave knight. The prince got captured by the villains and trapped him in prison to exile him by beheading his head, but the knight could never allow tha...