Chapter 19: Heavenly

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I'm sitting as close as I possibly can to Lisa. As close as I can without having to move back from the pain. The left side of my body is tingling, but I know that if I stay here it won't develop into something more. Our exchanged words haven't been about last night and I don't know if I should bring it up. I don't know if talking about it will take away some of the meaning, if all it was ever supposed to be was one perfect moment. A moment that words could potentially destroy.

As soon as eight a.m. rolls around I frown and wonder where Lisa's parents are. She's sitting down here with her coffee and pancakes I made for her -- chewing cutely-- and her parents are missing this, they're missing time with their daughter on the day you're supposed to spend with your children. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to spend time with her. I mean, she's nice to look at, absolutely hilarious, sweet, thoughtful, and she will do anything to make sure I'm smiling.

"Lis, why aren't your parents up?"

She blows on her coffee to cool it down some and steam erupts from the surface. "It's Christmas morning," she states.


"They never get up before eleven."

I don't need to ask if she's kidding. "Do you want me to wake them up?"

Lisa leans forward and places her cup on the coffee table before leaning back and resting her head on the back of the couch to look at me. "No, I like being here with just you."

I don't tell her how much I dislike her parents and I don't tell her how I can't believe there are no gifts underneath the tree. I know my eyes are telling her that I like being here with just her, too. "What are you thinking?" I ask her gently.

"I'm thinking that I really want to dance with you."

She doesn't know how much I want to dance with her, too. "I'm sorry," is all I need to say.

"Don't be." She shakes her head briefly, her tongue running over her lips for a second. "I know you can't and I would never ask you to when I know how much it would hurt you."

"It's not just that," I admit. "I mean, that's the main reason, but I have two left feet when I dance. It's not pretty."

"Somehow, I doubt that."

"I swear to you. I could break bones. My feet have a mind of their own and they don't care if your freshly-pedicured toes are in the way." I like it when she smiles at me like this, how I can see it in her eyes just as much.

"I'll wear safety shoes."

I arch an eyebrow. "Oh, you'll need to. Trust me."

"Will you do something for me?"

We've been facing each other for a while now. I love being this close to her and I'm not sure if I want to move just yet, which is why I take my time in answering "sure" before I even know what it is.

"Come upstairs with me."

"Why? Are you cold in here? Because I can turn the heater up." I lift a finger in the direction of the foyer where the temperature dial is located.

"I'm never cold when I'm this close to you."

I don't say anything. I don't think anything that leaves my lips right now will be coherent, not with the way she's looking at me as well. Thankfully, she doesn't need me to. She stands first and lifts her mug from the table. I think she plans on going back to bed. Or perhaps she just doesn't want it to go cold. That's the more logical explanation.

Lisa climbs the staircase first and gently eases her bedroom door open to make as little noise as possible and closes it as soon as I'm safely inside. The lights on the wall don't look as pretty as they did last night, the early morning sunlight is taking away their magic. I switch them off.

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